November 2018 Council Minutes
Minutes of the Greenland City Council November 19, 2018
Meeting called to order at 6pm. Those in attendance: Mayor Groom, Stephanie Sharp, Larry Forrester, Danny Dutton, Beckey Center (came in after treasurer report), Lisa Thornton, Pat Lindabury, Justin Reed, Chief Ricker, Danny Wright and various guests.
Motion by Mayor Groom to amend the agenda to include a resolution for the state aide project, 2 nd by Thornton. Motion passes 5-0.
Motion by Dutton, 2nd by Thornton to approve the November’s council minutes. Motion passes 5-0.
Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Reed to approve the November’s treasurer's report. Motion passes 5-0.
Brenda Reynolds presented the planning commission report. After extensive discussion of various code violations in the city, Mrs. Thornton volunteered to get with fire Chief Mark Myers to address the safety issues. The mayor and Mrs. Thornton also let the council know that Brad Smith had agreed to ride
around with the state inspector to look at some things that had been questioned as to if they are in code or not.
No building inspector activity.
Chief Ricker presented the court and police report. $1,000 donation from West Fest for Shop with a Cop.
Committee Report: Mrs. Thornton stated that planning and Tammy had a meeting to iron out procedures for planning. Mrs. Thornton also asked why the office was closed early at least one day and was Stephanie called to fill in. The mayor stated he let them go early one day. She asked in the future that if Tammy needs to close the office that Stephanie be called to fill in and if that can’t happen that a
note with the mayor’s phone number be placed on the door.
Park Update: Still waiting on ADEQ. The mayor went to a meeting in Jacksonville to apply for a grant for reimbursement of the cost of the park property.
Sewer update: Project is on schedule and within budget.
Audit Report: Audit report distributed to council members; discussion, but not questions.
Resolution 11-19-2018A Motion by Thornton 2nd by Reed to read resolution 11-19-2018A by title only.
Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Wright read. Motion by Thornton 2nd by Reed to approve 11-19-2018A. Motion passes 6-0.
Resolution 11-19-2018B Motion by Thornton 2nd by Reed to read resolution 11-19-2018B by title only.
Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Wright read. Motion by Thornton 2nd by Reed to approve 11-19-2018B. Motion passes 6-0.
Resolution 11-19-2018C Motion by Thornton 2nd by Dutton to read resolution 11-19-2018C. Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Wright read. Motion by Thornton 2nd by Thornton to approve 11-19-2018C. Motion passes 6-0.
Ordinance #333 Amending Business License: Ordinance #333 Amending Business License: Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Center to place ordinance #333 on first reading by title only. Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Wright read it. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Reed to approve the first reading of ordinance #333. Motion passes 6-0. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Center to suspend the rules and place ordinance #333 on
second reading by title only. ROLL CALL: DUTTON Y, REED Y, CENTER Y, LINDABURY Y, FORRESTER Y,
THORNTON Y, Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Wright read it. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Reed to approve the second reading of ordinance #333. Motion passes 6-0. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Center to suspend the rules and place ordinance #333 on third and final reading by title only. ROLL CALL: DUTTON Y, REED
Y, CENTER Y, LINDABURY Y, FORRESTER Y, THORNTON Y, Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Wright read it.
Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Reed to approve the third reading of ordinance #333. Motion passes 6-0.
Discussion of adding a planning commissioner to the planning commission. An ordinance will be drawn up for the next meeting.
One time pay raise: Motion by Thornton 2 nd by Forrester to approve a one-time pay raise of $300 for full time employees and $150 for part time. Motion passes 6-0.
Discussion of revising ordinance #329. An ordinance will be drawn up for next month’s meeting to address liquor by the drink.
Resolution 11-19-2018D Motion by Dutton 2nd by Forrester to read resolution 11-19-2018D by title only. Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Wright read. Motion by Thornton 2nd by Reed to approve 11-19-2018D.
Motion passes 6-0.
Announcements: ARML meeting January 16-18
Citizens comments:
Motion Thornton, 2nd by Forrester to adjourn at 8:11. Motion passes 6-0.