July 2024 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday, July 1, 2024, 6:00 PM
Greenland Community Center
170 North Letitia
Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Charlotte Carnes, Bill Yoes, Dan Cypert, and Colbi Johnson
Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm.
- “Stewart” 335 W Wiles Rd Lot Line Adjustment
Samuel Stewart was here to discuss his project on his lot split at 335 W Wiles Rd, after discussion with the planning committee it was decided that this was not ever split into 3 lots, but only 2 lots, nothing was filed with the county. Debra Stewart owns all three lots. It was determined that it could not be done at this time. This will be addressed at a later time when they get all the necessary documentation corrected. Brenda motioned to address this at a later day 2nd by Dan passed 4-0.
- Hog Box SW Campbell (WC 63) Review Only
John Ogle was present for Hog Box, they are requesting more room on a parcel on west Greenland. Due to the way they want to use the land, it is not zoned or could not be zoned correctly for proper use. Dan Cypert spoke on several items from where the storage containers were stored on the property, to road usage for big trucks. John Ogle addressed the items as far as how they could possibly operate in a different manner to accommodate these items.
Ryan Norman – brought up that he was concerned about the half mile of lily lane and the entrance of the hog box facility, stating that the road was not suitable for large trucks.
Troy Mitchell – Is concerned about road safety, and how and why the cease and desist was not followed.
Blake Haney – Concerned about the noise, and amount of traffic coming and going, and the time of operation. Presented images for his concerns to the committee photos taken 7/1/24.
Evan Johnson – Concerned about why Hog Box has not stopped operation and did not stop when the letter was sent by Washington county.
Ron Montain – Asked the committee to review all the facts and to not approve the CUP for Hog Box.
Reva Meeks – Brought up the fact that Campbell Road was not set up to have commercial traffic.
Adam Frankenburger – Brought up that Hog Box should not be able to move the containers due to the size.
Mr. Cheston – Questioned west forks planning area to make the determination that no trucks should be used.
Mr. Rapport – Road damage by the trucks due to size and the amount of traffic.
The planning committee review only was motioned to deny by Dan, 2nd by Bill, 3rd Brenda, 4th by Charlotte, Colbi Johnson no vote. Vote to Deny 4-0.
- Annexed Area Zoning
This meeting presented a fourth opportunity for public comments and the map will be presented at the next council meeting for final public input and adoption.
Brenda Reynolds brought to the public’s attention that the planning commission will not be zoning anything that is not in the city limits or the planning area, and that the suggestions would be recommended to Washington county on how to zone it.
Amanda Bancroft – Wanted to give their support for zoning the Historic Johnson Farm property PZD.
Northwest Arkansas regional planning can determine the GIS and descriptions of any parcel held by land trusts and those parcels will be given a PZD zoning; anything that is privately or independently will be C-2 or C-3 of the northern planning area.
No public comments on the zoning inside the city limits were made.
Planning committee motioned to forward map as presented for adoption Dan Cypter, Bill Yoes, Passed 4-0
- Public Comments
No public comments.
Motion to adjourn by Dan, 2nd by Bill Pass 4-0
Meeting adjourned at 7:51