November 2024 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Meeting
Monday, November 4, 2024, 6:00 PM
Greenland City Hall
8 E. Ross St
Members present: Dan Cypert, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Colbi Johnson
Members absent: Brenda Reynolds, Hunter Collins
Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM.
- Public Hearing: Baker, 10286 AR Hwy 265 – Lot Split
- Steven Hulsey presenter.
- Purpose is for a lot split for a parcel that sits in the Greenland Planning area. This would split parcel 001-06733-000 (approximately 2.199 acres) owned by Earlene and Laurence Baker to create a 1.199-acre lot (listed as Lot 1 on Lot Split plat) and a 1.00-acre lot (listed as Lot 2 on Lot Split plat). Mr. Hulsey has made an offer to buy the 1.00-acre tract (Lot 2) with plans to build a residential structure on said tract.
- Commissioner Johnson inquired if any of the lot split lines ran through any existing structures and it was confirmed by Mr. Hulsey that no lot split lines run through any existing structures.
- No public comment; Public Hearing closed at 6:04 PM.
- Baker, 10286 AR Hwy 265 – Lot Split
- No further Planning Commission discussion.
- No citizen comments.
- Commissioner Johnson – motion to recommend approval of lot split to Washington County Planning Commission.
- 2nd – Commissioner Carnes
- Approved 4-0
- Public Comment:
- No public comment
Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Carnes
- 2nd – Commissioner Johnson
- Approved 4-0
- Adjourned 6:07 PM