October 2024 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Meeting
Tuesday, October 7, 2024, 6:00 PM
Greenland Community Center
170 North Letitia
Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Colbi Johnson
Meeting called to order at 6:02 PM.
1. Public Hearing: Walnut Spring, PZD SE of Napier and Campbell– Lot Line Adjustment
• Taylor Lindley with Crafton & Tull present;
• Purpose is to adjust lot lines for Tracts 2, 3, 4, 5 to allow larger size parcels in the first phase to allow for “estate” size lots initially.
• All tracts will still be under the POA and its covenants/restrictions;
• Commissioner Yoes inquired of the triangular parcel– Taylor advised it is unbuildable due to drainage/topography, doesn’t affect the rest of the development area/plans.
• No public comment; Public Hearing closed at 6:11pm
2. Walnut Spring, PZD SE of Napier and Campbell– Lot Line Adjustment
• No further Planning Commission discussion;
• No citizens comments;
• Cypert- motion to approve; 2nd
– Yoes; Approved 4-0
3. Public Hearing: Nobles, 272 W. Wilson St– Lot Line Adjustment
• Sabrina Smith present
• General discussion about the parcels involved; Applicant also wanted to discuss the anticipated use (30×40 shop building)in order to determine if they even want to proceed with the purchase of the land and adjusting the lot line. Discussion occurred regarding the 10% allowable area requirement and what constitutes ‘allowable area’; and other potential accessory uses (pool); Applicant is not sure whether they will proceed, but was advised that if they chose to proceed, they would need to file the signed plats with Washington County.
• No public comment; Public Hearing closed at 6:45
4. Nobles, 272 W. Wilson St– Lot Line Adjustment
• No further Planning Commission discussion;
• No citizens comments;
• Carnes- motion to approve; 2nd
– Johnson; Approved 4-0
5. Public Comment:
• Angelina Casey inquired about building small cabins for rent on 6 acres; it was explained R1 can only have one primary structure per parcel, the property would have to be split (up to maximum of four parcels), and each parcel could house only one structure; PC did not get into
any of the details of ‘rental’ since those elements would be addressed with business licensing and short-term rental guidelines (Council needs to establish)
• Andrew Hendrix inquired about 1/3 acre parcel south of LKQ as to what can be built, height, size, etc.; R3 zone, up to 60′ height, 40% lot coverage- minus setbacks; was directed to website for Code so he can review guidelines.
Motion to adjourn, approved
Adjourned 7:17pm