City of Greenland
8 E. Ross
Fayetteville, Ar
Ph#521-5760 I Fax #521-7780

Per Section 2.04 of the Greenland Municipal Code, garage/yard sales may be conducted at residential locations only, and no more than four (4) times per year. This application must be filled out and a permit issued prior to conducting any garage/yard sale.

Please complete the following application form, furnishing all requested information. Any omitted information may result in a delay of the processing of your application.

Please click the SUBMIT button to return this application to the City Office Manager at City Hall. You will also be able to download a pdf of your completed application once it has been submitted.


It is your responsibility to return this application within sufficient time to allow processing of the application and the issuance of the permit. Failure to submit the completed application within sufficient time to obtain the permit does not allow you to have the sale without the required permit.


    PDF version of Garage Sale Permit Application can be found here.