Message From Mayor Groom
From the Mayor’s Desk
During this time when we are dealing with a deadly virus that does not
recognize state borders or city limits, I encourage that we all take the necessary steps to keep our families, neighbors, and ourselves safe. We should be doing all we can as individuals to assist with limiting the spread of the disease.
We should all take this situation seriously and do the right things. As has been recommended by federal and state government and medical professionals, we should all be practicing social distancing and washing our hands regularly. It is very important that we remember to check on the elderly in our city and community, as well as others with health issues making them more susceptible to contracting the coronavirus.
It is important that we not panic, but remain calm as our children and grandchildren look to us as models for appropriate reaction. Let’s stay informed, listening to state and local officials express what steps are being taken and what we may expect.
We are in this together in our city, our state, our country, and the world.
We are a small all part of this world, but by unifying our efforts, we can get control of the situation and our future. Our actions during this time can contribute to stopping the spread of this disease.
As we work together and get through this crises, this space will go back to providing updates and information about our City. I am anxious to update the Greenland citizens about the development of our nature park, improvements to the Greenland Community Center, expansion of the recycling center, and other developments that enhance our lives. In the meantime, while we are experiencing uncertain times, let’s unite and do the right things to keep ourselves and others safe. It is as important a time as ever to be a good neighbor! Let’s take care of each other.
Thanks for your sacrifices during this time.
Mayor Bill Groom