November 2018 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday, November 5, 2018
6:00PM at City Hall
The Commission reserves the right to reprioritize its consideration of the items on the agenda. Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Paula Schoonover, Lee Guthrie. Called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
1. Annual CUP Business Review
Planning Commission recommended to Council last month that CUPs be reviewed at
the time of the annual business license renewal. This is the continuing discussion.
Planning Commission created a spread sheet with the date of approved CUPs with a
list of conditions that have been imposed. This list will be provided each November
to the City Administration. City would be responsible for ensuring that the
conditions are met before the license is renewed.
In the Municipal Code, Business License Section, 4.24.12 needs to be reworked so
that revocation of a license may occur upon: a) a two-thirds vote by Council without
any license fee returned; or b) non-compliance with the terms established for a CUP.
4.24.05 Collection: needs to be reworded to add “a business holding a CUP will have
an annual review by the City to determine compliance with the CUP provisions
before a license is renewed.” Revocation may also occur pursuant to 14.04.08.C.4.
2. 5G equipment requirements
Greenland needs to be proactive with how we would deal with the issue of 5G
towers. Telecommunication companies are pushing these smaller towers that cover
a small distance as opposed to paying leases on the larger towers. Arkansas
Municipal staff have begun working on this. Greenland City Council, Planning
Commission and the administration of Greenland need to stay abreast of the
recommendations and suggestions of the Arkansas Municipal League.
3. “Zoning for that backyard workshop not as simple as it seems”, City and Town,
October 2018
This article brought to mind what is being considered by Council about the Tanner
Street issue with an accessory building that does not meet the setbacks. Our Code
states that an accessory building shall meet specific zone setbacks. And, 10% of
allowable lot space to be occupied can be filled by an accessory building, per Code.
Any structures being built must comply with the City’s Code. Because accessory buildings can be used for many purposes, the Planning
Commission recommends that residents who want to put accessory buildings in a
residential district need to come to the Planning Commission so that the use of that
building can be discussed.
As a Planning Commission, we are concerned about the City inadvertently
establishing precedence in regard to code compliance by allowing non-compliant
buildings/uses to occur in residential zones. For example, the accessory building at
408 Tanner Street (see attached photos) and the houses on Napier that are under
the required square footage outlined by our Code.
Another recommendation is an informational newsletter be written and distributed
to the residents. We also recommend that the Municipal Codes and all applicable
applications, be posted on our website.
4. Preliminary discussion of Minor Subdivision Lot Split
Planning Commission is still reviewing but there are two obvious issues: 1) the 5-
year requirement to split again after initial split, and 2) the 100-foot access.
Motion to read the minutes by Commissioner Carnes; 2nd by Commissioner Schoonover. Passed 5-0.
Motion to approve the minutes by Commissioner Yoes; 2nd by Commissioner Schoonover.
Passed 5-0.
Meeting adjourned 7:40 p.m.