The View From The Mayor’s Desk – Fall 2018
The View From the Mayor’s Desk… I think it is past time to catch you up on what is happening in Greenland.
We have been busy. Our new park has a lot of interest and potential. We are working with various experts to help develop a master plan for this 37 acre natural park that borders the west fork of the White river. There are some conservation projects and wild life habitat issues. Much of this advice comes from state agencies at no cost to the city.
The upgrading of the sewer system continues at a pretty good pace. We are close to having most of the design and engineering done. Hopefully by spring 2019 we will be putting larger pipe in the ground.
Speaking of spring 2019, the state highway department will bring in a $250,000 asphalt overlay into our city. This is similar to a project they did for us 5 years ago. This is another cost free improvement for our city. As Chief Ricker always says “I like
spending other people’s money.”
We have some other smaller projects in the works. I will try to be more informative about these in a more timely manner. Thank you for your patience . You can be
assured we will try to do the right things for our citizens as we leverage your tax dollars to the max. This effort includes many grants.
Lastly, please remember to exercise your right to vote on November 6. We
have 2 seats on the city council up for election plus many county and state choices to make. Each vote counts! As always please contact me at city hall at 521-5760 with any questions or concerns.
Mayor Bill Groom