The View From The Mayor’s Desk – Fall 2016
The View from the Mayor’s Desk-
I hope this update finds all of Greenland’s citizens enjoying the beginning of the fall season here in beautiful northwest Arkansas. Here is a brief update of some things going on in our great city:
- With the help from the folks at the Beaver Lake Watershed group, we have installed a Bioswale at Taylor Park. This is a natural filtering system from runoff water at the park. This is phase one of a landscaping and construction project and is 100% funded by a grant from the Beaver Lake Watershed group.
- We have been approved to receive a $9,000 grant from the Boston Mountain Solid Waste District which will go toward purchasing a cardboard compacter at our recycling center. The volume at the recycling center continues to grow. We very much appreciate our citizens separating their recyclables.
- We are once again partnering with Code Red to alert our citizens of any significant weather in Greenland. In the next few days a link will be live on our website for citizens to go to in order to sign up. This service is free to all Greenland citizens. Go to to visit our city website and sign up. The link will be at the bottom of the page.
- We have several other projects in the pipeline that I will update our citizens on later. Great things are happening in Greenland!
Mayor Bill Groom