August 2021 Council Minutes
August 9, 2021 Greenland City Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Those in attendance Mayor Groom, Misty McCard, Larry Forrester, Chal Ragsdale, Jim Renfrow, Diane Reed, Bill Yoes, Justin Reed, Rebecca Lawson, and Lisa Thornton.
Diane Reed motioned to approve July minutes, Justin Reed 2nd motion. Passes 7-0
Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve July treasurer report, Justin Reed 2nd motion. Passes 7-0
Court & Police Report-Chief gave report.
Building Inspector Report- Troy Enochs gave report.
Planning Commission Report- Brenda Reynolds gave report.
Committee Report-none
Ordinance 353-Justin Reed motioned to place Ordinance 353 on the 2nd reading by title only, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passes 8-0
Lisa Thornton motioned to suspend the rules on Ordinance 353, Justin Reed 2nd motion. Passes 8-0
Larry Forrester-yes, Chal Ragsdale-yes, Jim Renfrow-yes, Diane Reed-yes, Bill Yoes-yes, Lisa Thornton-yes, Justin Reed-yes, Rebecca Lawson-yes
Lisa Thornton motioned to accept the 2nd reading of Ordinance 353 by title only, Justin Reed 2nd motion. Passes 8-0
Lisa Thornton motioned to place Ordinance 353 on the 3rd and final reading by title only, Justin Reed 2nd motion Passes 8-0
Larry Forrester-yes, Chal Ragsdale-yes, Jim Renfrow-yes, Diane Reed-yes, Bill Yoes-yes, Lisa Thornton-yes, Justin Reed-yes, Rebecca Lawson-yes
Justin Reed motioned to accept the 3rdand final reading of Ordinance 353 by title only, Lisa Thornton 2nd motion passes 8-0
MOA with ANRC Resolution-Lisa Thornton motioned to read resolution 08-09-2021A by title only, Justin Reed 2nd motion Passes 8-0. Lisa Thornton motioned to approve resolution 08-09-2021, Justin Reed 2nd Passes 8-0
Amendment No. 1 with MCE Resolution- Lisa Thornton motioned to read resolution 08-09-2021B by title only, Justin Reed 2nd motion Passes 8-0. Lisa Thornton motioned to approve resolution 08-09-2021B, Bill Yoes 2ndmotion Passes 8-0
Greenland Acres, LLC Rezoning Ordinance 354- Carole Jones gave discussion.
Lisa Thornton motioned to place Ordinance 354 on the first reading by title only, Bill Yoes 2nd motion Passes 8-0
Lisa motioned to accept the 1st reading of Ordinance 354, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion Passes 8-0
Lisa motioned to suspend rules and place Ordinance 354 on the 2nd reading by title only, Jim Renfrow Passes 8-0 Larry Forrester-yes, Chal Ragsdale-yes, Jim Renfrow-yes, Diane Reed-yes, Bill Yoes-yes, Lisa Thornton-yes, Justin Reed-yes, Rebecca Lawson-yes
Lisa motioned to accept 2nd reading of Ordinance 354 by title only, Jim Renfrow passes 8-0
Lisa Thornton motioned to suspend rules and place Ordinance 354 on the 3rd reading by title only, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passes 8-0
Larry Forrester-yes, Chal Ragsdale-yes, Jim Renfrow-yes, Diane Reed-yes, Bill Yoes-yes, Lisa Thornton-yes, Justin Reed-yes, Rebecca Lawson-yes
Lisa Thornton motioned to accept the 3rd and final reading of Ordinance 354 by title only, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion. Passes 8-0
Bond Attorney Selection-
Jim Renfrow motioned to go with Friday Firm #1, Lisa Thornton 2nd motion Passes 8-0
Justin Reed motioned to go with Rose Firm #2, Jim Renfrow 2nd motion Passes 8-0
Jim Renfrow motioned to go with Gill Firm #3, Lisa Thornton 2nd motion. Passes 8-0
Trash-A-Way Contract-Jim Renfrow discussed the citizens concerned about Trash-A-Way contract and if we have curbside pick up available. this regarding citizens trash not being picked up on a timely manner. Justin Reed mentioned the Mayor calling Trash-A-Way checking with them.
Citizens Comments- none
Larry Forrester motioned to adjourn, Lisa 2nd motion Passes 8-0
Adjourn at 6:56