City Council Minutes June 2016
Minutes of the Greenland City Council June 13, 2016
Meeting called to order 6pm. Those in attendance: Mayor Groom, Stephanie Sharp, Eric Bryant, Katherine Hudson, Kendra Croddy, Lisa Thornton, Bill Yoes, Mark Myers, Justin Reed, Danny Wright and various guests.
Motion to approve May minutes by Thornton, 2nd by Reed. Motion passes 7-0. Motion to approve May treasurer report by Thornton , 2nd by Reed. Motion passes 7-0.
Planning Commission report presented by Brenda Reynolds.
No Court and Police Report.
Building Inspector Report: 1 final inspection in May.
Personnel Committee Report by Lisa Thornton. Committee recommended striking section 4.4.3 from the personnel handbook that deals with when payroll is done. Mr. Wright will have a resolution prepared for next month.
Announcements: Mr. Myers let the council know that the fire department had given Donna Mason permission to fill in her pond.
Mr. Myers also wanted to know the time frame for setting the foot bridge behind city hall. He stated West Fork had offered to set it for us for free.
Mayor Groom discussed the possible ways to provide better sewer service and fire protection to our city.
Citizens comments: Dave Karnes is concerned with Fayetteville’s lack of mowing their property located in the Greenland city limits. He is asked what could be done to attract more businesses to Greenland.
Motion to adjourn by Bryant at 6:25, 2nd by Thornton. Motion passes 7-0.