City Council Minutes May 2016
Minutes of the Greenland City Council Meeting May 9, 2016
Meeting called to order at 6:01pm
Those in attendance: Mayor Groom, Stephanie Sharp, Eric Bryant, Katherine Hudson, Danny Dutton, Lisa Thornton, Bill Yoes, Mark Myers, Justin Reed, Danny Wright, Gary Ricker and various guests.
Motion by Thornton to approve the April minutes, 2nd by Reed. Motion passes 7-0.
Motion by Thornton to approve the April treasurer's report, 2nd by Reed. Motion passes 7-0.
Planning Commission report presented by Brenda Reynolds. Discussion about construction trailer across from TOBO's. Mayor will look into it.
Building Inspector report presented by the mayor. Two permits pulled.
Court and Police report presented by Chief Ricker. Requested permission to dispose of electronics. He presented a list to council. Motion by Reed, 2nd by Thornton to approve the chief disposing of listed electronics. Motion passes 7-0.
Park Update: Project is complete.
Mayor introduced Carol Jones the city's new engineer. She discussed the TAP grant process.
Resolution 05-09- 2016 TAP grant. Motion by Dutton to read by title only, 2nd by Reed. Motion passes 7-0. Mr. Wright complied. Motion by Thornton to approve resolution 05-09- 2016, 2nd by Dutton. Motion passes 7-0.
Question by citizen on CODE RED. Mayor said he will look into it.
Motion to Adjourn at 6:26 by Thornton, 2nd by Bryant. Motion passes 7-0.