City Council Minutes April 2016
Minutes of the Greenland City Council, April 11, 2016
Meeting called to order at 6pm. Those in attendance: Mayor Groom, Stephanie Sharp, Eric Bryant, Katherine Hudson, Danny Dutton, Kendra Croddy, Lisa Thornton, Bill Yoes, Mark Myers,Justin Reed, Danny Wright, Chief Ricker and various guests.
Motion by Thornton to approve March minutes, 2nd by Dutton. Motion passes 7-0- 1 with Bryant abstaining.
Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Reed to approve March's treasurer's report. Motion passes 8-0.
Planning Commission did not meet in April.
Building Inspector report: 2 new building permits pulled and 1 electrical permit pulled.
Chief Ricker presented the court and police report.
Park Update: Equipment is installed, seeded and fertilized, waiting on mulch on 4/18.
Fire Hydrant on 265: Mayor stated in his opinion we do not have this budgeted this year. We should look at it next year. Mrs. Mason requested permission to fill in the pond. Mr. Reed spoke in favor of that if there is enough coverage from existing fire hydrants. Mark Myers will check into that possibility.
Resolution 4-11- 2016A- Budget Amendment. Motion by Reed to read by title only, 2nd by Thornton. Mr. Wright complied. Motion by Dutton to approve resolution 4-11- 2016A, second by Thornton. Motion passes 8-0.
Resolution 4-11- 2016B. TAP grant. Mayor reviewed the grant process. Motion by Reed to read by title only, 2nd by Thornton. Mr. Wright complied. Motion by Thornton to approve resolution 4-11- 2016B, 2nd by Reed. Motion passes 8-0.
Chief Ricker requested permission to sell the 2007 police car. Motion by Bryant, 2nd by Reed to approve selling the 2007 police car. Motion passes 8-0.
Motion by Bryant, 2nd by Thornton to adjourn at 6:43. Motion passes 8-0.