January 2020 Council Minutes
January 13, 2020 Greenland City Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:03pm.
Those in attendance: Mayor Groom, Diane Reed, Lee Guthrie, Becky Center, Larry Forrester, Rebecca
Lawson, Justin Reed, Bill Yoes, attorney Josh Bailey and various city residents. Lisa Thornton came in
after vote to approve November minutes.
Absent – Misty McCard
Pledge of Allegiance
Citizens comments – None
Motion by Mr. Reed to approve November’s city council minutes, 2 nd by Yoes. Motion passes 7-0.
Motion by Mr. Reed to approve December’s minutes, 2 nd by Guthrie. Motion passes 6 – 0 with 2 abstaining. Chief Ricker noted modifications of December’s minutes were made to show Mr. Reed wanted November’s minutes amended showing he voted against rescinding Ordinance 341.
Motion made by Lawson to approve January Special Meeting Minutes, 2 nd by Forrester. Motion passes 8-0.
Treasurer Report: Presented by Mayor Groom. Mayor advised 200,000 was moved to reserve, purchased 250,000 12 month CD with 1.4% interest rate with Centennial Bank. Mr. Reed asked all credit
card statements be put in council packet each month – i.e. Sam’s, Lowe’s, any others. Chief Ricker advised he believes Sam’s was hold over and that should be the last payment. Lawson asked what the $1770 to Wal-Mart was and Chief Ricker advised it was Shop with a Cop.
Motion to approve Treasurer Report by Lawson, 2 nd by Thornton. Motion passes 8-0.
Police Report: Presented by Chief Ricker
Building Inspector Report: Presented by Mayor Groom. Last report by Jeff Hutchinson on December 12.
All activity for the month was RV Park related. Lawson requested the Building Inspector reports could be
included in council packets.
Planning Commission Report: Presented by Brenda Reynolds. Planning minutes attached. Officers elected. Advised need LSD Code and Lot Split Code revisions – no changes can be made without revisions to codes. Mr. Bailey advised he was working with Carol on this. PC discussed allowing
residential use in commercial zone if already residential.
Committee Reports: None
Unfinished Business: 2020 Budget.
Long discussion on 2020 Budget. Mr. Reed made a motion to approve original budget before modifications were made. Mr. Reed rescinded his motion.
Motion made by Guthrie to approve most recent budget presented to council, 2nd by Forrester. Motion passes 6 for – 2 against.
New Business: Building Inspector – had application form West Fork Darryl Johnson. He is getting all certifications/re-certifications and should be good to go by March 1 st . Mayor Groom advised he would
see if we can get certified building inspector from another city to do inspections as needed for the next couple months.
Council Chairperson – Mayor recommended electing Lisa Thornton. Motion made by Yoes, 2nd by Guthrie. Motion passes 6-0 with 1 abstaining. Lawson had stepped out of meeting and was not present for vote.
Traffic Sign on Ross Street – discussion over adding sign to Ross/HWY 71 no left turns from 7:15am – 8:00am. Mr. Reed made motion, 2nd by . Motion passes 6 for – 1 against, 1 abstaining.
Website and 5G Discussion – Lee asked for this to be tabled until next month and for Website and 5G to be listed as 2 different items for discussion.
Personnel – Resolution for time clock was discussed. Mr. Bailey advised personnel handbook needed to be amended to have policy on time clock. Mr. Bailey asked for guidance to be sent to him from
Thornton/Personnel committee and he would write policy.
Thornton had question on December vote of carry over on vacation. Clarification was given.
Thornton advised personnel committee wants to do employee reviews end of January or beginning of February. Yoes made a motion, 2nd by Mr. Reed. Motion passes 8-0. Mayor Groom advised Lisa was only person that was left on personnel committee. Mayor Groom advised all other committee member
appointments had expired December 31 st . Guthrie said we need to fill the committee back up. Mayor advised that was not her call. Committee was his advisory council. Guthrie asked if his plan was to dissolve the personnel committee. Mayor Groom confirmed that was his plan. Ms. Reed advised she
does not think 6 people need to be on the personnel committee.
Announcements: Chief Ricker advised everyone to make sure statement of financial interest were filled out.
Mayor Groom reminded everyone to vote in special election for school mileage on Tuesday January 14 th .
Citizen Comments: Travis thanked council for service. Asked how to get more citizens to attend meetings and be involved. Brenda advised more communication need to be sent out.
Motion to adjourn made by Guthrie, 2nd by Ms. Reed. Motion passes 8-0.