June 25 2018 Special Council Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Greenland City Council-Special Meeting June 25, 2018
Meeting called to order at 6pm. Those in attendance: Mayor Groom, Stephanie Sharp, Eric Bryant, Larry Forrester, Danny Dutton, Bill Yoes, Pat Lindabury, Justin Reed, Danny Wright and Carole Jones.
Meeting was called to approve the electrical bids on the sewer improvements.
Carole Jones gave an overview of the bids
Motion by Reed, second by Dutton to read resolution 06-25-2018A by title only. Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Wright complied. Motion by Reed, second by Forrester to approve resolution 06-25-2018A. Motion
passes 6-0.
Motion to adjourn at 6:11 by Dutton, second by Forrester. Motion passes 6-0.