May 2019 Council Minutes
Minutes of the Greenland City Council May 13, 2019
Meeting called to order at 6pm. Those in attendance: Mayor Groom, Stephanie Sharp, Larry Forrester, Lee Guthrie, Beckey Center, Lisa Thornton , Rebecca Lawson, Bill Yoes, Justin Reed, Chief Ricker, attorney Brian Hogue and various guests.
Mayor Groom introduced the new building inspector, Jeff Hutcheson and attorney Brian Hogue who was filling in for Josh Bailey.
Motion by Thornton, 2nd by J. Reed to approve the April’s council minutes. Motion passes 7-0.
Motion by Thornton, 2nd by J. Reed to approve the April’s treasurer's report. Motion passes 7-0.
Brenda Reynolds presented the planning commission report.
Building Inspector Report: Jeff Hutchinson presented: 2 building permit pulled.
Chief Ricker presented the court and police report. Also asked council to approve a resolution allowing the city to apply for a grant. Thornton made a motion to amend the agenda and add resolution 05-13-2019A approving the request to new business, 2 nd by Center. Motion passes 7-0.
Houses on Tanner/Napier: No update, Mr. Hutcheson will check into it this month.
LKQ Rezoning Discussion: Jerry Davis from LKQ presented his request for rezoning to C1. After assurances that there would be no traffic on Parker and that he will deal with the water issues Lawson made a motion to ask the city attorney to draw up an ordinance approving the rezoning, 2 nd by J. Reed.
Motion passes 7-0.
Personnel: Thornton reviewed the job evaluations had with the employees where each went through their job description point by point. There were some changes made: Tammy Shaffer, chief court clerk, replaced the word police chief with judge as to who she reports to. Tammy Shaffer, administrative clerk,
deleted line that states she schedules inspections and line that stated she researches grants. She was asked if 35 hours a week was enough time for her to get everything done, she stated yes. She was asked if there was any problems, she stated no. Brad Smith, Robert Hagan, maintenance department: deleted
line that states that they use probing rods to locate leaks and utility lines. Added line that says they will maintain the recycling center as per Boston Mountain standards. They were asked if there were any problems. Both stated no. Chief Ricker did his reviews with his officers and reported no changes or issues.
Resolution 05-13-2019 Grant application: Motion by Thornton 2nd by Center to read resolution 05-13-2019A by title only. Motion passes 7-0. Chief Ricker read. Motion by Thornton 2nd by Forrester to approve 05-13-2019A. Motion passes 7-0.
Ordinance #337 Amending Permit Fees: Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Yoes to place ordinance #337 on first reading by title only. Motion passes 6-1 with Reed opposing. Mr. Hogue read it. Motion by Thornton, second by Lawson to approve the first reading of ordinance #337. Motion passes 6-1 with Reed opposing. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Lawson to suspend the rules and place ordinance #337 on
second reading by title only. ROLL CALL: GUTHRIE Y, J. REED N, CENTER Y, LAWSON Y, FORRESTER Y, YOES Y, THORNTON Y. Motion passes 6-1. Mr. Hogue read it. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Guthrie to approve the second reading of ordinance #337. Motion passes 6-1 with Reed opposing. Motion by
Thornton, 2nd by Forrester to suspend the rules and place ordinance #337 on third reading by title only. ROLL CALL: GUTHRIE Y, REED N, CENTER Y, LAWSON Y, FORRESTER Y, YOES Y, THORNTON Y.
Motion passes 6-1. Mr. Hogue read it. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Guthrie to approve the third reading of ordinance #337. Motion passes 6-1 with Reed opposing. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Yoes to read and enact the emergency clause for ordinance #337. ROLL CALL: GUTHRIE Y, REED N, CENTER Y-
N, LAWSON Y, FORRESTER Y, YOES Y, THORNTON Y. Motion passes 6-1. Mr. Hogue read it. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Guthrie to approve the adoption of the emergency clause of ordinance #337. Motion
passes 6-1. Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Guthrie to adopt the emergency clause for ordinance #337. ROLL CALL: GUTHRIE Y, REED N, CENTER Y-N, LAWSON Y, FORRESTER Y, YOES Y, THORNTON Y. Motion passes 6-1. Mr. Hogue read it. Motion passes 6-1.
Resolution 05-13-2019B Permit fees: Motion by Lawson 2nd by Thornton to read resolution 05-13-2019B by title only. Motion passes 6-1 with J. Reed opposing. Mr. Hogue read. Motion by Thornton 2nd by Lawson to approve 05-13-201B with approved changes by title only. Motion passes 6-1 with J. Reed
Insurance for Pump Station: We had to take insurances out on the new lift stations. It will be around $1000 to be paid for from Sewer Fund.
Announcements: Park clean-up is nearly done, master plan is coming along. Mr. Yoes asked if the RV park has a silt fence. Chief Ricker will look into it. ARML meeting June 12-14. Let Mrs. Sharp know Citizens comments: Matt Nichols from 264 Brittney St was here with concerns about drainage problems, also with a request to possibly fence in all 3 of his lots that would include a bridge over the
ditch. The mayor said the city is looking at options to help him. No action taken.
Motion by Thornton, 2nd by Forrester to adjourn at 7:45. Motion passes 7-0.