June 2019 Council Minutes
Minutes of the Greenland City Council June 10, 2019
Meeting called to order at 6pm. Those in attendance: Mayor Groom, Stephanie Sharp, Larry Forrester, Lee Guthrie, Beckey Center, Rebecca Lawson, Bill Yoes, Justin Reed, Chief Ricker, attorney Josh Bailey and various guests.
Motion by Reed, 2nd by Forrester to approve the May’s council minutes. Motion passes 6-0.
Motion by Reed, 2nd by Lawson to approve the May’s treasurer’s report. Motion passes 6-0.
Brenda Reynolds presented the planning commission report.
Building Inspector Report: Jeff Hutchinson presented: 4 inspections done.
Chief Ricker presented the court and police report.
Houses on Tanner/Napier: Mr. Hutcheson reported no safety violations causing danger but the shed on Tanner is built in the setbacks. Motion by Guthrie, 2nd by Reed to remove this issue from future agendas. Motion passes 6-0.
Ordinance #338 LKQ rezoning: Motion by Lawson, 2nd by Reed to place ordinance #338 on first reading by title only. Motion passes 6-0 Mr. Bailey read it. Motion by Lawson, second by Guthrie to approve the first reading of ordinance #338. Motion passes 6-0. Motion by Lawson, 2nd by Reed to suspend the rules and place ordinance #338 on second reading by title only. ROLL CALL: GUTHRIE Y, J. REED Y, CENTER Y, LAWSON Y, FORRESTER Y, YOES Y. Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Bailey read it. Motion by Lawson, 2nd by Guthrie to approve the second reading of ordinance #338. Motion passes 6-0. Motion by Lawson, 2nd by Center to suspend the rules and place ordinance #338 on third reading by title only. ROLL CALL: GUTHRIE Y, REED Y, CENTER Y, LAWSON Y, FORRESTER Y, YOES Y. Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Bailey read it. Motion by Lawson, 2nd by Reed to approve the third reading of ordinance #338. Motion passes 6-0.
Resolution 06-10-2019 West Fork sewer easement: Motion by Lawson 2nd by Guthrie to read resolution 06-10-2019 by title only. Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Bailey read. Motion by Lawson 2nd by Center to approve 06-10-2019. Motion passes 6-0.
Update on Hog Valley RV Park: Preconstruction meeting happened. Things are moving along.
Announcements: Tanner St construction to begin in about 2 weeks, should take a week to complete. The State aide asphalt overlay in finished. This is roughly about $250,000 in street repairs at no cost to the city.
Citizens comments: Pat Lindabury said the no parking sign in Foothills is missing and there is a willow tree on the corner of Caleb/Partridge that needs to be trimmed.
Anna Huynh of 362 Short St along with several neighbors were here voicing concern over the low water bridge and the upkeep of the road. The mayor said this is a private road past the bridge but we can look into the cost. Carol Jones will look into some costs.
Motion by Lawson, 2nd by Guthrie to adjourn at 7:19. Motion passes 6-0.