November 2020 Council Minutes
November 9, 2020 Greenland City Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:07pm.
Those in attendance Those in attendance Mayor Groom, Misty McCard, Larry Forrester, Lee Guthrie, Beckey Center, Rebecca Lawson, Lisa Thornton, Bill Yoes, Diane Reed, Justin Reed, attorney Josh Bailey and various guests.
Pledge of Allegiance
Comments- none
Beckey Center motioned to approve October’s council minutes, Diane Reed 2nd the motion. Passes 7-0
Diane Reed motioned to approve October’s Treasurer report, Diane Reed 2nd the motion. Passes 7-0
Court & Police report- Chief Ricker gave the report
Building Inspector report- Mayor Groom gave the report
Planning Commission report- Brenda gave report
Committee report- none
Update future land use & Master street plan map- Mayor Groom is waiting on the maps from Regional Planning to be completed.
Update on sheet metal code revision- discussion- Mayor Groom spoke with Lanny Richmond at the ARML and he feels Little Rock may revisit ACT 446 and make changes.
Discussion of building in flood zones & utilizing pole structures for flood zones- the plan is to discuss building in flood zones when we receive the Master street plan maps.
Cares Act- Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve request for Cares Act Signature Authority application to be completed by Mayor Groom, Beckey Center 2nd the motion. Passes 8-0
One time pay raise- Rebecca Lawson commented wanting to raise the Recorder/Treasurer’s one time pay raise to $300 from $150. They council decided to raise both the Recorder/Treasurer and Mayor’s one time pay raise to $300. Lisa Thornton motioned to accept the one time pay raise, Rebeccca Lawson 2nd the motion. Passes 7-1. (Lee Guthrie made a motion to withdrawal her vote regarding Mayor Groom receiving a $300 one-time pay raise, due to not implementing the time clock.)
Announcements- Attorney Josh Bailey announces that he will be resigning his position with the City of Greenland to pursue another job. Brian Hogue with Hogue Law Firm will be present at the December meeting.
Hunter Collins mentioned the issue with the City ditches needing cleaned out. Hunter would like to see money in the budget for a flood plan to help with this issue as well as mailing flyers to citizens.
Discussion regarding time clock, personnel committee, and Mayor Groom not implementing time clock.
Diane Reed motioned to adjourn, Bill Yoes 2nd motion.
Adjourn 7:27pm