December 2020 Council Minutes
December 14, 2020 Greenland City Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm.
Those in attendance Those in attendance Mayor Groom, Misty McCard, Larry Forrester, Lee Guthrie, Beckey Center, Rebecca Lawson, Lisa Thornton, Bill Yoes, Diane Reed, Attorney David and Brian
Hogue and various guests.
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve the amended November’s minutes, Diane Reed 2nd the motion. Passes 7-0
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve November’s treasure report, Diane Reed 2nd the motion. Passes 7-0
Police Report- Chief gave November Police report.
Building Inspector Report- Report was in packet. The Recorder/Treasurer spoke with the Building Inspector to submit and invoice with job descriptions and a total of the jobs he inspected.
Planning Commission Report-Brenda gave Planning Commission report. Bill Yoes discussed that the best way would be for the Building permits to be issued would be when the person calls have them call the
Building Inspector and have the citizen wanting to build and then once approved have the citizen get a permit. Mayor said he would get the Building Inspector a code book.
Lisa Thornton make a motion for Mayor, Chair, and Building Inspector to meet to discuss payment and job description, Rebecca Lawson 2nd motion. Passes 7-0
Committee Reports-none
Speeding on Scott- Diane Reed mentioned the speeding in the neighborhood. Mayor Groom mentioned polling the neighbors about putting speed bumps on the road. The City is willing to put up some more speed limit signs.
Storm Water MOU- Chief gave discussion on Storm Water MOU. Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve MOU, Lisa Thornton 2nd motion. Passes 7-0
Inter local Agreement with West Fork- Lee Guthrie motioned to approve 12-14-2020A, Larry Forrester 2nd the motion, Passes 7-0
Financial-Discussion on putting money in a CD by the end of year.
Lisa Thornton approve moving money into a CD with Centennial Bank, Rebecca Lawson 2nd motion.
Passes 7-0
Larry Forrester would like to make Misty McCard a notary.
2021 Budget-Mayor Groom does not plan to have Personnel meeting. Lisa Thornton motioned to have executive session, Lee Guthrie 2nd motion. Passed 6-1
Executive session began at 7:24pm and the meeting resumed from executive session at 8:28pm with Mayor Groom no longer being present at the meeting. The council would like Mayor Groom to complete the list that was discussed during executive session.
The list includes: Office coverage-office closed and let team members off early with pay, Time clock-scheduler of team members, Building inspector/Building code not being enforced, and evaluations not including Lisa Thornton as personnel member.
Lisa Thornton motioned to table the 2021 Budget for January’s meeting, Lee Guthrie 2nd the motion, Passes 7-0.
Announcements-Discussion about fixing the outside lights for the Community Center.
Citizens Comments-none
Lee Guthrie motioned to adjourn, Rebecca Lawson 2nd
Meeting adjourned at 8:37pm.