September 2020 Council Minutes
September 14, 2020 Greenland City Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm.
Those in attendance Those in attendance Mayor Groom, Misty McCard, Larry Forrester, Lee Guthrie, Beckey Center, Rebecca Lawson, Bill Yoes, Diane Reed, Lisa Thornton, Justin Reed, attorney Josh Bailey and various guests.
Pledge of Allegiance
Lisa Thornton motioned to amend the agenda to add Sewer update under unfinished business, Lee Guthrie 2nd the motion. Passes 8-0.
Lisa motioned to amend the agenda to add Sewer Signatory Authorization Resolution 9-14-2020A under unfinished business, Rebecca Lawson 2nd the motion. Passes 8-0.
Comments: Citizen Scott Davis mentioned that he would like to see more money allocated in the budget for sidewalks.
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve August’s council minutes, Lee Guthrie 2nd the motion. Passes 8-0.
Lisa Thornton motioned to approve August’s treasurer report, Beckey Center 2nd the motion. Passes 8-0.
Court & Police Report: Chief gave report. Chief also mentioned that the City has hire a new fulltime Police officer.
Building Inspector Report: Report is in the packet. Mayor Groom mentioned that the City is hiring a new building inspector.
Carole Jones discussed the 2 building permits she has reviewed, one being the Greenland School administration building and the other is Data Forms Inc.
Planning Commission Report: Brenda gave report.
Lee Guthrie made a motion to have the city attorney draft an ordinance to revise the current zoning code to allow for expansion of a non-conforming residential structure located in a commercial zone, provided the structure was in existence prior to the effective date of the zoning ordinance. The purpose of the motion is to allow residential homeowners to add-on to or improve homes that were in existence before the creation of the commercial zoning, because Greenland has not yet experienced the commercial growth that was previously anticipated in the commercial zone. The motion was 2nd by Justin Reed. Passes 8-0.
Committee Reports: none
Carole Jones presented the Sewer update.
Rebecca Lawson motioned to read Resolution 09-14-2020A regarding Sewer Signatory Authorization by title only, Lisa Thornton 2nd motion. Passes 8-0. Lisa Thornton motion to approve Resolution 09-14-2020A regarding Sewer Signatory Authorization, Bill Yoes 2nd. Passes 8-0.
Time Clock and Procedures: Attorney Bailey is working on finishing the draft for time clock and procedures.
Brush trial pick up discussion: The brush trial date is set for October 5th and 6th.
Mosquito issue within Yoes and Lee subdivision discussion: Carole Jones mentioned that the drainage ditch is a utility easement and mentioned having The City call the utility companies to see about having them clean it out.
Code of Conduct: Recorder/Treasurer McCard presented.
Lisa Thornton motioned to read Resolution 09-14-2020 regarding 2.9 Mills by title only, Rebecca Lawson 2nd the motion. Passes 8-0. Lisa Thornton made a motion to approve Resolution 09-14-2020 regarding 2.9 Mills, Justin Reed 2nd the motion. Passes 8-0.
Rebecca Lawson motioned to read Resolution 09-14-2020B regarding the On-Call Agreement with Cantique LLC by title only, Lisa Thornton 2nd the motion. Passes 8-0. Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve Resolution 09-14-2020B regarding the On-Call Agreement with Cantique LLC, Lee Guthrie 2nd the motion. Passes 8-0.
Discussion on Ordinance presented by Council member Lee Guthrie concerning building applications and inspections procedures. Lisa Thornton wants to write up a job description for Building Inspector.
Citizens Comments: David Smith handed out a handout regarding Accessory Building and gave discussion.
Announcements: Council would like the Time clock and procedures, Hold harmless for Community Center, and Sheet metal discussion on October’s agenda.
Rebecca Lawson motion to adjourn, Lisa Thornton 2nd motion.
Meeting adjourned at 8:21pm