August 2020 Council Minutes
August 10, 2020 Greenland City Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:01pm.
Those in attendance: Mayor Groom, Misty McCard, Larry Forrester, Lee Guthrie, Beckey Center, Rebecca Lawson, Lisa Thornton, Bill Yoes, Diane Reed, Justin Reed, attorney Josh Bailey and various guests.
Pledge of Allegiance
Beckey Center motioned to approve July’s minutes, Lee Guthrie 2nd motion Passes 8-0
Treasurer’s Report- Lisa Thornton motioned to approve July’s treasurer’s report, Larry Forrester 2nd the motion Passes 8-0.
Court and Police Report- Chief gave the report.
Building Inspector Report- none
Planning Commission Report- Brenda Reynolds gave report and there was a discussion regarding citizen Patrick Hanby’s building on Wilson street.
Council wants to add the Accessory code changes to September’s agenda.
Committee Reports- none
Time Clock and Procedures- Lisa Thornton sent Attorney Josh Bailey the time clock procedures and he will finalize and have it available next month.
Brush trial pick up discussion- Mayor Groom mentioned that he had spoke with Brad and Robert in the Street department about the brush pick up. Brad and Robert had said that a one time a year per household call-in pick-up would be more organized and work better for the citizens. The council wants to have a one-time brush pick up on the first week of October where all citizens will need to have their brush ready for pick up curbside.
Mosquito issue within Yoes and Lee Subdivision discussion- Mayor Groom looked for the maps and stated the map showing who owns the drainage ditch couldn’t be found, but will continue to look for the map. Mayor Groom mentioned that the City is still adding the mosquito pellets to the drainage ditch to help with the mosquito abatement.
SRO Contract- Rebecca Lawson motioned to approve SRO Contract, Lisa Thornton 2nd the motion
Passes 8-0.
Announcements- Lisa Thornton mentioned the hold harmless form for the Community Center and Attorney Josh Bailey is working on the form. Lisa Thornton that there is running water on Tanner street, the City will contact Carole Jones for this issue.
Lee Guthrie made a motion to have the council meetings at the Greenland Community Center along with Zoom as long as Arkansas schools are still having session in person by September 14th, Lisa Thornton 2nd motion, Passes 7-1, Beckey Center absent during the vote.
Citizen’s Comments- Cars on Powerline Place is in the fire lane, Chief will check on this issue. Citizen Dave Smith wants to discuss Accessory Building at the next meeting.
Lisa Thornton motion to adjourn, Rebecca Lawson 2nd motion. Passes 7-1
Meeting adjourn at 8:24pm