April 2019 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday, April 1, 2019
6:00 PM at City Hall
The Commission reserves the right to reprioritize its consideration of the items on the agenda. Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Paula Schoonover, Allen Swearingen and Hunter Collins. Called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m
1. Public hearing for 447 NW Campbell Loop for conditional use permit. Jerry Coyle
here to make presentation. Reviewed handout given to commissioners. 61 acre
park, trailers in the back of property. 65 spaces total. Will be done in 2 phases.
Called Hog Valley RV and Treehouse Resort. 20 Long term sites will be in the front,
45 short term in back. Discussed treehouse rentals. Discussed all features that will
be available. Will do dirt work and clean up area. Will have septic system. Lee Ford
from Texas and Oklahoma had question about perk test and fencing. Will discuss
more when LSD application is applied for. Mr. Reed had question about property
being in city limits. All property is in city limits. Ronnie Jordan Greenland resident
had comment about neighboring property of Mr. Ford. Kelly Buckley lives close to
property and had question about dump trucks and school buses and road being
unsafe and future traffic issues. Had concerns about showers and drainage and
pollution. Discussed drainage plan. Ms. Buckley also asked if this type of business is
in the best interest of Greenland and future homes. This property does not allow
residences. Provided statement from Travis Atwood from solid waste inspector and
states property was legal from a dump site perspective.
Commissioners had discussion.
2. 342 N. Parker Street rezoning public hearing. Plant manager at LKQ made
presentation. Wants to expand to abandon house. Certified notices did go out. Plan
to destroy house and that will be where the trucks will go in and will open spaces up
front. Will be behind a fence. Reviewing page 231 from code book. No public
comment. Commissioners had discussion
3. Public hearing for 395 West Short Street for lot line variance. Jim Goodlander gave presentation. Want to split 5 acres. Need access to house in the back and if over 100 feet code states it must be paved. Variance is for access road to be allowed to be over 100 feet.
4. Public hearing for 395 West Short Street for lot split. Jim Goodlander gave
presentation. Certified notices did go out. Wants to sell existing house and wants to
build a house on 2 acres. No public comment. Commissioners had discussion.
Public hearing is closed at 6:44.
5. 447 NW Campbell Loop conditional use permit. Motion made by Commissioner
Yoes, 2nd by Commissioner Carnes. Carried 5-0.
6. 342 N. Parker Street rezoning. Question about gate and size of trucks that will be
using that property. Motion made by Commissioner Carnes, 2nd by Commissioner
Yoes 4-1. Motion carries. Nothing for chair to sign or approve, will be up to the
council to sign approval.
7. 395 West Short Street variance request on length of access drive. Motion made by
Commissioner Swearingen, 2nd by Commissioner Carnes. Carried 5-0.
8. 395 West Short Street lot split. Motion made by Commissioner Collins, 2nd by
Commissioner Carnes. Carried 5-0.
9. 201 N. Main Street Kara’s Café business license application. Joe Langel gave
presentation. Wants to have family restaurant in old Pirate Cove location. Is
permitted in C1 zone. Discussed sign code and Landscaping code. Sign is within code.
No writing on the windows, violates code. Needs to have some type of screening
between restaurant and residential homes. Need to follow landscaping code by the
end of the year. Motion made by Commissioner Carnes, 2nd by Commissioner Yoes, carried 5-0.
10. 298 South Main Street William Bush used auto and motor sales business license
application. William Bush made presentation. Discussed needing conditional use for
auto sales. Discussed flood plane and property is in it. Public comment opened.
Questions about flooding and future uses for that property. Discussion of landscape
of property. Commissioners had discussion. Business license for auto and motor
sales is denied.
11. 298 South Main Street William Bush food truck and food court business license
application. William Bush gave presentation. Discussed food trucks being self –
contained and not hooked into the sewer. May be more of an event type business.
Public comment open. Stated he would rent a space for people to use for a food
truck for select events such as Bikes, Blues and BBQ. Steven Reaglan made
comments about possibly having a place on this property. Commission and Mr. Bush
agreed to table this until Planning Commission is able to create a working code for
use. Will discuss this again in May meeting. Mr. Bush will attend May meeting.
12. Landscape code review. Commissioners need to review the updated code that
Commissioner Reynolds sent to us. Need to be pro-active on this.
13. Planning 101 Workshop event. Meeting is in Little Rock. If individuals would like to attend this it will be on their own. Get with Stephanie Sharp if interested. Need
Planning 101, 201, and 301 in order to get certification.
14. Email contacts. If Commissioners want to have a city email instead of using personal email, can get with Stephanie and she can set it up.
Public comment. Discussed that city clerk will contact the Secretary for agenda items
per by-laws. Due to an email being received in a spam folder, we need to have a 2nd
amendment to by-laws. All email communication will be 4 way with Secretary, Chair,
City Clerk and Recording Treasure. Also discussed we need to get out packets 7 days prior to Planning Commission meeting.
Motion to read minutes by Commissioner Carnes 2nd by Commissioner Swearinger. Pass 5-0.
Motion to approve minutes by Commissioner Yoes; 2nd by Commissioner Collins Pass 5-0
Motion to adjourn: Commissioner Carnes; 2nd by Commissioner Swearingen. Pass 5-0
Adjourn: 8:46 p.m.