May 2019 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday May 6 , 2019
6:00 PM at City Hall
The Commission reserves the right to reprioritize its consideration of the items on the agenda. Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Paula Schoonover, and Hunter Collins. Called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
1. Public hearing on Hog Valley R.V. and Treehouse Resort. Jeff Bates and Jerry Cole spoke about the proposed business. Have 2 attachments. One is May 3, 2019
Washington County Water Authority and My 2, 2019 Letter from Carole Jones our
City Engineer. Will need to have this on next months agenda to list conditions for
conditional permit use. Discussed time limits on extended stay. Discussed height
requirements and following code. Building requirements can be approved by Building
inspector. Mayor Groom spoke about DFA and that there will be some tax revenue
from the rentals and will expire after 1 year of business. Closed public comment.
Commissioner Yoes asked about concrete pads vs. gravel. Will be gravel for now.
Discussed leakage and concrete pads. Not planned now due to cost, but as budget
allows, will add concrete pads. Will add to covenants for park. If decide to add
concrete pads, will discuss with City Engineer to address drainage. Matt Nichols
discussed border to prevent gravel from washing away. Will have ADA spots available that will be regulated. Floor is closed to comments at 6:24. Public hearing closed @ 6:40 and regular session is open. Per Carole, ARDOT permit needed for concrete aprons; Bldg. permit phase- 35’ maximum.
2. Large scale development approval for the Hog Valley R.V. and Treehouse
Resort. No public comment. Motion made by Commissioner Carnes to approve the
LSD for the Hog Valley R.V. and Treehouse Resort and 2nd by Commissioner Collins.
Passed 4-0. Commissioner Reynolds made note that she spoke with Commissioner
Swearingen and he had no objection to approval. Discussed sign code.
3. Motion to amend agenda to include submittal schedule. Motion made by
Commissioner Collins and 2nd by Commissioner Carnes. Passed 4-0 to approve
applying this submittal schedule to all items to be considered by the Planning
Commission. Will submit to City Council for approval.
4. William Bush food truck and food court business license continued from April
meeting. Discussed that Planning Commission is currently working on a code that would apply to food truck and food vending businesses. Questioned whether we can approve under a conditional use permit. City attorney Josh Bailey not sure and will research that. William Bush made presentation of future plans of food truck business. Mr. Bush needs denial of previous permit request for used car dealership. Will get him a copy. Discussed West Fork request for sewer access to his property. He stated he has been advertising for vendors to place food truck on his property, but no response now. Discussed the future park and possibility of future interest. Discussed sidewalk and connecting park to the city.
Suggested he discusses this with City Council. City Attorney will begin research to start a city code for food truck and vendor business. Gave him a copy of a code from another city that we are looking at. Commission is going to table this for now and will be in contact as the park develops and our code is in place.
5. Accessory building draft code work review. Attorney discussed his work on this. He
discussed not finding the size of the building with the size of the lot. Discussed using
a percentage of the property to determine the size of the building. Our code allows
for 10% of available property. City Engineer also has a say in approval also. Need a
clear policy, but can have variances. Storage container should be limited such as 3-6
months. Do we want to allow people to rent these buildings and we said no. Can use
it as a home office, but needs conditional use permit. Not for residential dwelling.
Should have a code ready by June for consideration.
6. Tiny homes continued discussion from last year. Discussed if cities can legally dictate the size of home a citizen is allowed to place on their property. Will research it. Discussed probably would need a zone that allows tiny homes. Mr. Reed informed
the Planning Commission that the City Council voted no on tiny homes when we
inquired about this last year. So based on that, we are not going to allow tiny homes.
7. Application forms and packets review. Preliminary plat application is basically
instruction and not a true application. Application for Rezoning correct “side” to
“site” correct “dexcription” to “description”. #4 on page 3 the City Council will have
to vote on changing that the applicant will notify adjacent property owners
responsibility not the city. Lot line adjustment application does not have any
instructional information for the applicant. It needs to be upgraded to packet form.
Lot line Variance Application should be Variance Application. This also needs to be
converted to packet form. This needs to be flexible that would include sign code,
etc. Needs to include more information for the Commission. Need place for city to
sign off, show payment etc. Business License Application Packet needs to be
compliant with sign offs. Need to change time on last page to say 6:00 not 6:30. If we
go with the set time table, the last 2 paragraphs would need to come out. Sign
Permit Application last page time needs to be changed to 6:00 and last 2 paragraphs
would need to be removed. Banner Permit needs times changed to 6:00 and to
change the day after Labor Day. Again would need to remove cut off dates. Neither
sign or banner applications are coming before the Commission. Conditional Use Application Packet need to change 5 copies to 7 copies of all that needs to be
provided to the Commission and suggest to Council that this be changed on all
packets. Need to remove the cut off date paragraphs. Event Permit Application
would need to remove the paragraph relating to cut off dates. Need to add “not” to
the pencil instructions.
8. Outdoor Vendor code work. Handout given to review and add input. Will have this
on agenda for next month as well.
9. Industrial zoning. City Attorney said that a city must have an industrial zone if there are businesses that are restricted to just that zone. Need to establish an area for industrial zone. Discussed different areas that would be suitable for industrial zone.
Needs to be along I-49. Commissioners will think about a location and discuss again.
10. Public comments: Matt Nichols spoke about his home and 2 lots that he is
purchasing. He has questions. 1. What can he put a fence over involving the creek?
2. Does the city want to do something with the creek? 3. How far does the fence
have to be? Page 227 discusses fencing. Suggest that he attend the City Council
meeting next week and discuss this with them. Suggest discussing with City engineer as well.
Motion to approve minutes by Commissioner Carnes 2nd by Commissioner Collins Pass 4-0
Motion to adjourn: Commissioner Carnes; 2nd by Commissioner Collins. Pass 4-0
Adjourn: 8:51 p.m.