June 2019 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday June 3 , 2019
6:00 PM at City Hall
The Commission reserves the right to reprioritize its consideration of the items on the agenda.
Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Paula Schoonover, Alan Swearingen, and Hunter Collins. Called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Chair requested to amend the agenda to add 2 new agenda items: Act 446 and McClelland Engineering informational presentation.
Motion made by Commissioner Swearingen and 2nd by Commissioner Yoes. Carried 5-0.
New agenda follows:
1. Act 446- city attorney input: City attorney may not be able to make meeting. If not, item will be tabled until next month.
2. Accessory building code work– follow up: Chair is waiting on drafts from City
Attorney and will check with him again as to status.
3. McClelland Engineering- lot split (informational presentation). Request for lift station site. Plat reviewed by Commission and discussed. Need 2 access easements. Will be owned by City of West Fork, but maintained by City of Fayetteville. Carole Jones also presented details. Will need to get electric, water and gas to it. Will be a 100′ x 120′, 12,000 sq ft parcel. Ingress/Egress will be one-way traffic due to topography issues.
Variance requests in connection with request will be: 12′ wide ingress/egress; gravel
instead of paved; no 55′ turn around; easement access longer than 100′. Applicant was advised to present a variance request letter with the lot split request.
4. Hog valley R.V. park CUP: Carole gave status update; ADEQ permit was given, silt fence issue resolved, now preparing for pre-construction meeting. She will make sure there is a signed set of plans available at City Hall. Agenda item is to begin preliminary discussion for possible concerns/issues so establishment of CUP terms later on will not delay the applicant. PC will be adopting their covenants to integrate as part of the CUP terms. This will allow the City to also enforce those covenants
List of concerns follows:
• Possible food trucks or vending stations: If Vendor Code is not completed prior to
location opening date, the location will not be considered “grandfathered” and
would have to follow Vendor Code once the Vendor Code is established;
• Special Events (i.e., concert, fireworks display, BBBQ) Event permit would have to
be applied for in order to address traffic, sanitation, hours, police, emergency, recycling, etc.
• Commissioner Yoes expressed concern about not having concrete pads for chairs
and tables available for the short term renters.
• Chairman Collins expressed concern for not having parking concrete pads– concern is regarding trailer leaks that would go unnoticed with natural drainage.
5. Outdoor vender code work: Followup on progress of PC in reviewing the draft.
Discussion concerns regarding things that need to be looked at in the draft:
• Mr. Reed had questions about if needed to be paved lots.
• Also, on page 5, can there be more than 1 vendor per lot? Chair advised that Section A is single vender, B is Vendor park.
• Question as to what defines “seasonal.” Would fireworks stand be considered seasonal “vendor”?
• Fundraising vendors– would that be classified as seasonal or do we need to add some type of different category for this? But may need to be addressed.
• How many single vendors would change from single vendor to vendor park?
• Need to more appropriately define the terms used in proposed document.
• Aesthetics, regulatory matters for type, size, physicality of the vendor units- need to
make sure Code addresses that in a non-discriminatory, yet protective, manner.
6. Planning Commission Bylaws revision: Chair presented comprehensive proposed
revisions, along with a final version. Motion to approve by Commissioner Collins, 2nd by Commissioner Swearingen. Approved 5-0.
Chairman expressed that while it is not included in the Bylaws, it needs to be on the record and understood by all that whenever someone asks for the Chair for advice, “information” may be given, but never a “definitive” answer. The person is also advised that it would be best for them to come to the Planning Commission for input because the Chair cannot speak on behalf of the entire Commission. This should be the protocol used, and Chair advises all other Commissioners to do the same and not speak for the Commission as that could lead to ongoing issues, including possible legal concerns for the City of Greenland.
7. Landscaping code review: carried from April P.C. meeting:Itemwas to address whether any revisions were needed to the current landscape code. No changes necessary. Question was raised as to drought seasons. It was decided that if Washington County or water department issues alerts, that will be the governing criteria.
8. Industrial zoning – carried from May P.C. meeting: Background given by Chair as to the areas originally looked at for potential “I” zoning (north end of the Lilly Lane dead-end road; south end of Lilly Lane along I-49). Chair also addressed that at the time of the comprehensive zoning done in 2008, the south area of Highway 265 was thought to be the best option for “I” zoning, but there was no property available in that area. Since the annexation, there is a parcel south of Sonic with a short access area on Highway 265, which the PC believes would be a good location for this use type. Map shows it as “Kirkpatrick property- 33.2 acres”. PC recommends the Council further investigate this location and make inquiry of the property owner regarding rezoning.