August 2020 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday August 3, 2020
6:00 PM at Greenland Community Center
Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Paula Schoonover,Hunter Collins and Mike Rutherford. Called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
1. Public Hearing: Lot Split 2 Lillie Lane and W. Napier Drive. Tim West with Atlas spoke. 40.9 Acre tract to split into 4 tracts. All tracts have road frontage. There is a shop building and house on tract C. Smallest tract is 2.39 acres largest is 29.80 acres. PC noted “proposed” use on application stated “residential/commercial”;
PC clarified this is a C3 zone and resulting parcels can be used for commercial purposes only. No public comment. Public hearing closed @6:06.
2. Lot Split: S. Lillie Lane and W. Napier Drive. No discussion by PC, no public comment. Motion to approved by Commissioner Collins, 2nd by Commissioner Carnes. Approved 5-0.
3. Lot line Adjustment: Hog Valley RV Park/Jerry Coyle. Jerry Coyle spoke and stated that they have sold a portion of the tract and want to have a lot line adjustment tohave 1.92 acres to continue to belong to
them. No questions by PC, no public comment. Motion to approve by Commissioner Collins, 2nd by Commissioner Rutherford. Approved 5-0.
4. Sign Permit Church of Christ. No one was present- Chair stated that due to attendance concerns, she advised the applicant (church representative) that if the application was clear on its face and no apparent issues, submitted
early enough that the PC could inquire about any concerns prior to the meeting to get those resolved, and the PC could render a decision based on the information in the applications, he would not need to be present. This is
an existing sign that they want to update/replace. No PC questions, no public comment.
Motion to approve by Commissioner Carnes, 2nd by Commissioner Collins. Carries 5-0.
Public comments:
Question about the proposed changes to the Accessory Code; inquiry why PC is reducing the 10%
available space to basically “zero”. Chair explained that it is either 10% or 150 square feet, whichever is more. Conversation occurred and Chair advised the citizen that if he had concerns regarding the proposed changes, to direct
those to the City Council since the Council would be doing the final approval on any recommendations made by the
Mr. Fraley inquired about preliminary information for a lot split. Wants to sell 6acres. His son is doing a 60′ lot
line adjustment where his property connects to the 6 acres on the west; Mr. Fraley Wants to do the lot split before he
sells the 6 acres. Buyer wants to build a house on each parcel. There will be road access to both lots after the split.
PC states there are no apparent issues at this time, but can give a more defined answer with the application and survey .
Ozark Mountain Air inquired about property north of RV park on Campbell Road. The property is split into 2 lots,but they would like to re-join and split differently than it was originally split. This will result in a tandem lot.
Code states cannot have a tandem lot if access is longer than 100 feet, however, City Engineer and Chair recommend that the Code be changed to remove this provision since each lot should be evaluated by the City
Engineer and Fire Chief on a case-by-case basis due to topographical variations where this Code provision just “does not work.” The decisions should be made on a case by case by the City Engineer and Fire Chief as to adequate
access. Ozark Mtn Air wants to move their business from Hwy 71 due to growth and also build 2 houses behind the business. The property is not in the City and is zoned agriculture/conditional residential by the County. City’s
adjacent zoning is C3. PC suggested a lot line adjustment to combine the parcels back together and then split them.
Need to check with county to make sure they would approve residential use. PC sees no issue with C3 use along Campbell with adjacent residential behind it. OMA would need to apply for a variance for the 100
foot access and 55 foot turnaround. Inquiry was made to OMA about requesting annexation so the property would be in the City; OMA advised if the annexation could occur with C3 on the front with the back portion
continuing residential, that would be possible.
Chair and Secretary will review minutes and forward them on to the Planning Commission.
Motion to adjourn: Commissioner Collins; 2nd by Commissioner Rutherford. Pass 5-0
Adjourn @ 6:54