July 2020 Planning Commission Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday July 6, 2020
6:00 PM at Greenland Community Center
Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Paula Schoonover, Hunter Collins and Mike Rutherford. Called meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
Motion to amend the agenda to include “driveway code” (Page 224; Section 14.04 10(B)(3)(f.) Motion made by
Commissioner Rutherford, 2nd by Commissioner Carnes. Carries 5-0.
- Accessory Structure Code Work: Proposed changes to draft:
Pg 2: (3) …..districts that allow residential dwellings (removing “single-family”); …dwellings: personal, residential use only; all uses must comply with Fire Code. Commercial use and/or storage is not permitted.
Pg 2: (4) …districts: all uses must follow Fire Code, state regulations, and Greenland Municipal Code.
Pg 4: small roman numerals are mis-numbered an repeat themselves- needs corrected;
(i) Remove this item;
(ii) Renumber to (i); …within a residential and commercial zone up to one (1) acre in size (removing: that are
over one-half (1/2) acre but less than one acre), any accessory building within a residential zone shall have no
more than 150 square foot of gross floor area, and any commercial zone shall have no more than 150 square
foot of gross floor area, or 10% of the allowable space as provided in GMC 14.04.09B.
(iii) Renumber to (ii); …within a residential and commercial zone; then add same “commercial language” as
stated in (ii).
(iv) Renumber to (iii)– same as the previous two items;
Renumber remaining sub-paragraphs to (iv) and (v).
Pg 5: …containers in any residential or commercial (removing the e.g. parenthetical and removing “or public
lands” and its parenthetical)
Pg 6: Remove (i) and re-number the items that follow;
Add a new sub-item “m”– which will actually be (l) once renumbered: All storage containers used in any
residential zones less than 1 acre shall be are for a temporary use only. Temporary shall mean for a duration of
six (6) months or less. PC agrees that as a new storage container is observed in the City, the police officer or
Building Inspector shall give notice to the resident about the 6-month time limit, and also provide a copy of
storage container section of this Code, as well as a print-out of the “general penalties” clause of the Code. The
date and time of the notice will be provided to the City and Planning Commission so the 6-month compliance
can be determined.
Once proposed changes are approved by Council, City Attorney will revise the draft and present to Chair for final review. Once final approval given, this will be ready to present to the Council for adoption. - Lot Combination Code Work: “Lot Combination” is defined as combining two (2) or more separate, adjacent lots owned by the same person.
Lot combinations are not allowed in subdivisions, and are permitted in non-subdivision areas upon application and obtaining the required permit.
City will need to have City Attorney will draft Code section and provide to Chair for review and present final draft to Council. - Driveway Code. Code page 224, Section 14.04.10 (B)(3)(f): References that “all” driveways will be paved and many driveways in “non-subdivision” areas do not meet this standard. Proposed wording: (f)…loading spaces
in subdivisions shall be….. Also, add wording at the end of that section: “in non-subdivision residential zones, any driveway which consists of gravel or other permeable substance shall be maintained by the property owner
to prevent erosion and run-off into the public streets, as this creates a health hazard for motorists. Repeated failure (three times) to maintain may result in the City requiring paving as provided in subdivisions.
(PC’s intent: the observation or complaints received by the City will be documented to provide a basis for the City to subsequently require paving.)
Chair and Secretary will review minutes and forward them on to the Planning Commission. Motion to adjourn: Commissioner Collins; 2nd by Commissioner Carnes. Pass 5-0 Adjourn @ 7:59