June 2020 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday June 1, 2020
6:00 PM at Greenland Community Center
Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Paula Schoonover, and Mike Rutherford.
Called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
1. Public Hearing- Greenland Public School District Central Office Variance Request: Carole Jones gave a presentation. Request a variance of the 30′ front set back. This would not be for a building, but mechanical units and freestanding wall. There is already a Marquee sign at that location. It is on a C1. No
issues with water or sewage from City of Fayetteville. No Commission comments or Public comments.
Public hearing closed @ 6:05
2. Board of Zoning Adjustments session@ 6:06. No Public comments, no discussion by Commission. Motion to approve the 30′ setback variance for the Greenland Public School District for the Central Motion to approve: Carnes, 2nd by Rutherford. Carries 4-0
3. Sign Permit-Hog Valley R.V. Park. Jerry Coyle made presentation of sign project. Sign is 3D to coincide with business activity; actual sign ‘front’ is 7 X 10 and will be a tree house with a deck in front of it for
decorating for events. Height is 34′. All aspects of height and size are within Code requirements; No Public comment. No discussion from Commission. Motion to approve by Commissioner Carnes, 2nd by Commissioner Rutherford.Carries–4-0.
Public Comment: Billy Eiler wanted to discuss purchasing property on Brittany and what would be allowed to be built on these parcels. City Engineer and Chair addressed subdivision aspects, lot sizes, building uses in R1 zones, detached garages cannot be metal buildings- would have to be made of like-materials as housing (brick and mortar); explanation that a lot cannot have an accessory building without a primary dwelling. Addressed question as to whether parcels can be combined in a sub-division. City Engineer would not
recommend this; Chair explained “subdivision” status; expectation of persons living in a subdivision; maintaining continuity of lots of an already-existing subdivision, and that expansion of one lot into the size
of three does not meet the intent, but rather eliminates the intent; if this were three parcels “not” in a subdivision, there would possibly be no issue, but to combine in one subdivision sets a precedent that
would have to be exercised in other subdivisions if requested. PC input was consensus that the lots should/ would not be combined in a subdivision and any accessory building would have to comply with Code
requirement of a primary structure on the same lot. City Engineer also addressed the lot being occupied by multiple easements– wide utility & drainage easements and then setbacks, which ultimately would reduce
the area allowable for building.
Motion to adjourn: Commissioner Yoes; 2nd by Commissioner Carnes. Pass 4-0 Adjourn: 6:26.
Chair and Secretary will review minutes and forward them to the Planning Commission.