May 2020 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday May 4, 2020
6:00 PM via Zoom meeting
The Commission reserves the right to reprioritize its consideration of the items on the agenda. Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Paula Schoonover,
Hunter Collins and Mike Rutherford. Called meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.
1. Public Hearing- Greenland Nature Park Lot Split. Gary Ricker spoke regarding the details of the split. Wants to put park side of 37 acres and the city side of 10 acres on separate lots. No discussion from Commission and Carole Jones has no concerns. Public hearings are no longer required on lot splits, but this was submitted while Public hearings were required so the hearing was included.
2. Public Hearing- Hill Lot Split. Monroe Hill spoke about the splitting of this lot. Plan is to build a house. No comments. Public hearing was included due to this being submitted while Public hearings for lot splits were required. Closed public hearing at 6:12. Entered general session @ 6:12
3. Lot Split- Greenland Nature Park Lot Split. No Commission discussion on this item. No public comment. Commissioner Collins makes motion to approve, Commissioner Carnes 2nd the motion. Approved 5-0.
4. Lot Split- Hill Lot Split. No public comment, no comments from Commission.
Commissioner Carnes makes motion, Commissioner Collins 2nd the motion. Approved 5-0.
5. Penny Flatte: Preliminary discussion regarding potential business in C2 zone. Penny Flatte is not present for Commission meeting. Since this was only preliminary discussion and no action needed at this time, Ms. Flatte can request to be put on next agenda if she wishes.
6. Hog Valley RV & Treehouse Resort Minor Modifications. No public comment. No Commission comments. Commissioner Rutherford makes motion, Commissioner Yoes 2nd the motion. Approved 5-0.
Chair and Secretary will review minutes and forward them on to the Planning Commission.
Motion to adjourn: Commissioner Collins; 2nd by Commissioner Yoes. Pass 5-0
Adjourn: 6:23.