December 2023 Planning Minutes
Monday, December 4, 2023; 6:00 PM
Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Charlotte Carnes, Bill Yoes, Ben Maddox, Michele Cate Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M.
- Public comment:
- Robert Busiek – owns property on 71 next to riverfront park
- Zoned C-1. Wants to get feedback on building a 12,000 sq ft office and storage space for his marketing business; office would be used by a few staff & storage would be used for storage of inflatables, signage, etc used for events in NWA and surrounding areas. Current office/warehouse is located in Fort Smith, Mr. Busiek wants something closer to Fayetteville
- New building would require significant dirt work to mitigate flood zone on site
- City Engineer and PC discussed caution as to looking at development in this area, as it will set a precedent for future development requests and a “no-rise certificate” would be necessary in this area due to the flood plain, especially this project due to the large size
- Current design would generate minimal to no sales tax revenue
- Citizen feedback during zoning process wanted C-1/Bus 71 corridor designed for retail, goods & services that benefit the public
- Busiek pointed out that C-1 does allow for ‘marketing’ businesses and is Interested in this location due to Opportunity Zone —Chair addressed that the C1 zone is for “small scale” operations, and this size structure/operation would be best suited along the I-49 corridor where office/warehousing development has been occurring
- Busiek inquired if it would help if he changed the square footage? Also, what if a retail space was added as one suite; PC agreed that there could potentially be further discussion if there were retail components which would benefit the neighboring residential properties
- Concluded with agreement to go back to drawing board to find a use for site that matches zoning intent
- Open session for bike trail: No public comment other than one citizen requesting better sidewalks on Wilson; plan revision is approved to pass on to Council for formal approval/adoption
Meeting adjourned at 7: 04 P.M.