February 2017 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Meeting
Monday February 6, 2017
Members present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Lee Guthrie
- Public Hearing: 306 S. Napier
- Brenda spoke with city engineer, as well as Blew & Assoc regarding technical issues with the plat which need to be addressed before public hearing can be done; there is no way to currently approve until plat and split request can be revised/supplemented/corrected to meet Code requirements.
- Public Hearing tabled until next month.
- Grant Crasner present regarding public hearing. Lives at 302 S. Napier; Yoes advised if split granted, easements would have be gained from 2 different parcels;
- General discussion occurred: Carole Jones suggested that our Code require the proposed utilities and easements be shown on the plat.
- 15-12-07—plats are to show utilities and easements.
- Fire dept now requiring 96’ turn-around—Code needs revised from 55’ to 96’ to meet Fire Dept requirements.
Regular Session called to order at 6:12pm.
Motion by Reynolds to amend agenda items to bring Plat Review discussion to item #4 and Lot Split discussion to #5 (as it ties in with plat review discussion) since city engineer is present
2nd by Yoes Pass 4-0
- Election of positions:
- Carnes nominated Reynolds as chairman
- 2nd Guthrie; pass 4-0
- Reynolds nominate Yoes as vice chairman
- 2nd Carnes; pass 4-0
- Reynolds nominate Guthrie as secretary
- 2nd by Carnes; pass 4-0
- Lot Split- 306 S. Napier- Motion by Reynolds to table until next month due to items discussed in public
- 2nd Seconded by Yoes
- Pass 4-0
- Continue Plat Review Discussion—Carole Jones, City Engineer, present to review with PC
Carol Jones, City Engineer, presented to PC a packet containing the following:
Zoning map of City of Greenland and planning area, for commissioner’s notebooks.
Index for topical reference to code book
A 2017 meeting schedule with submission dates for applicants to get their requests heard by PC
Ms. Jones put together a package for applicants that come into the city office to start an application. This is so that an applicant has all the items they will need to address from the beginning. For example, the sign off sheet that helps them to collect all of the signatures.
She gave several examples of items not covered by the Code. For example, drainage: Code covers quality issues but not quantity. If a developer paves a large area, how much water could be dumped into the surrounding neighborhood and/or storm drains?
Commissioner Guthrie asked if there is any requirement for impact upon school system for a development. Mayor Groom commented that Greenland Schools could handle an increase of 200, the example Guthrie gave for a development of a hypothetical subdivision of 100 homes.
Ms. Jones also addressed the possible need for fee increases for applications to the City. And stated that Title 15 may need a lot of changes if PC adopts the new checklist.
Notification requirements: Ms. Jones noted that this needs to be consistent with all development. Currently, the City does some notifications, and the developer does other notifications.
Commissioner Guthrie asked about the submittal process, as it applies to the PC. Jones said currently a preliminary plat approval is brought before the PC to show the proposed development. After all utilities, streets, etc., are completed, it comes back to the PC and is signed off as accepted.
Commissions to review the new packet and verify it meets all the requirements of the Code, and either accept as is or address discrepancies, and/or add items. To be on the agenda for March 6 meeting. Ms. Jones asked to be there for the discussion.
- Lot Split discussion: Commissioner Reynolds brought up the discussion that lot splits need to go to the city engineer before being submitted to PC. And possibly allow time period changed to allow 4 lot split without a waiting period of 5 years. Washington County allows 4 lot splits without a waiting period. Commissioner Yoes requested a review of Washington County’s minor lot requirements before we entertain a motion on this matter. A copy is to be sent via email for PC review.
- Liquor Sales—wet status discussion: The ballot issue passed by Greenland citizens in November 2016, allows for liquor sales, but not by the drink, unless it is in a private club. PC needs to look at our zones to determine best use for liquor sales. The restrictions need to benefit the City, not be unduly burdensome. Consideration needs to be taken of distance from schools and churches that off site and on site liquor sales can occur.
Councilman Justin Reed, in attendance, brought up some areas that he felt needs to be addressed in the considerations. Sunday sales; possibly restricting the number of permits that can be issued, and any increase to be approved by the Council; restricting hours of sales based upon resources of City’s police and fire personnel; requiring establishments to keep sales of food and liquor to 40% liquor and 60% food, thus cutting out the possibility of bars that serve alcohol and just snacks for patrons. All of these issues need to be addressed so that the City is ready when liquor by the drink is approved.
- Continue Sign Code discussion: tabled until March 6, 2017, meeting.
Public input: Gary Denzer, McGoodwin Williams and Yates, brought before the PC for initial approval to go forward, a request for a lot split at Baptist Ford. The Wilson Family trust wants to donate 30,000 sf of land to the cemetery in exchange for plots. No problem was noted and he is going forward with his application.
Move to adjourn at 7:45 by Commissioner Reynolds, Guthrie 2nd, pass 4-0.