March 2017 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Meeting
Monday March 6, 2017 (NEED Bentonville regs and January minutes)
Members present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes; Lee Guthrie
- Public Hearing – 306 S. Napier Public hearing cancelled due to non-attendance; no one at meeting to present. Close public period time at 6:05 p.m.
- Lot Split – 306 S. Napier Discussion: Item of issue: Page 255.1, Section G states (paraphrase): A lot split request of property not fronting on a public street, access to street must not be more than 100 feet. Lot split at 306 S. Napier puts access over 100 feet from public road. Item was tabled at last meeting. Item can only be tabled once. Commissioner Yoes made the motion to deny the lot split. Commissioner Carnes seconded. Passed 4-0
- Plat Review
Commissioners to review Washington County Minor Subdivision regulations and discuss at the next meeting. Carol Jones not present.
- Lot Split
Discussion: Centered around four lot split allowed by Washington County. Should Greenland Code allow the four lot split, or drop the five year wait period after a lot split into two? Commission Yoes stated that the five-year requirement could be dropped but not the review of additional splits.
Is fee structure adequate for City of Greenland? Is this something to be left up to city engineer and city attorney?
Commissioner Yoes: Before giving approval for a lot split into four, strong review needs to be given to make sure all of lots have adequate utility service and access.
Commissioner Reynolds: Washington County regulations address lot access, setbacks, and emergency access. They do not require curbs and sidewalks in the minor subdivisions, as the City of Greenland requires.
Commission Yoes: Lot splits need to be brought before city engineer before review by the Planning Commission for the Greenland Planning Area and City of Greenland. Lot split on Napier is a good example of why that is necessary.
Commissioner Guthrie: Motion to table this item until next month’s meeting. Commissioner Carnes seconded. Passed 4-0
- Liquor Sales: proposed items for Council Ordinance consideration
Commissioner Reynolds presented copies of Jonesboro, Arkansas, Business Regulations concerning Alcoholic Beverages, and asked Commissioners to review and bring back comments for discussion at next month’s meeting.
- Sign Code: continued review & revision discussion
Commissioner Reynolds read a list of items she pulled from October, December and January minutes regarding the discussion of changes to the Sign Code. These recommendations are attached to these minutes.
Attached: Sections of Bentonville sign code (triangular stipulations) referred to in these minutes and January 2017 minutes for input into page 140-8, Section C, as it pertains to unobstructed views.
Commissioner Carnes made a motion to delete, under Section 2.03: Signs not requiring permits on page 137, subsections L, M, Q & R and replace with section 801-13 from the Bentonville sign code (attached).
Commissioner Guthrie seconded. Passed 4-0
Commissioner Carnes made the motion to read the minutes. Commissioner Yoes seconded. Passed 4-0
Commissioner Yoes made the motion to approve the minutes as read. Commissioner Carnes seconded. Passed 4-0.
Commissioner Yoes made the motion to dismiss. Commissioner Carnes seconded. Passed 4-0.