April 2017 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Meeting
Monday April 3rd, 2017
Members present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Lee Guthrie, Paula Schoonover (new member); started 6:00 p.m.
- Public Hearing – 5842 S Schaefer Road
Tabled: Publication had the wrong address.
- Lot Split – 5842 S. Schaefer Road (Baptist Ford Cemetery): tabled till next meeting
Commissioner Yoes made a Motion to amend the agenda and put lot split to #3, and Plat Review to #4. Commissioner Carnes 2nd, passed 5-0
- Lot Split (Four lot split allowed by Washington County)
Citizen presented question to the Planning Commission regarding jurisdiction of her property—Greenland or West Fork; Washington County told her it was Greenland: Geanne Watts, lot split on old Battenboard house, 10698 Campbell Loop (Ms. Watts lives at 10690). The old well and water loop are still there. Mrs. Watts shared the survey with Chairwoman Reynolds. In the discussion of whether the lot was in the city limits or planning area, Commissioner Yoes ascertained it isn’t in our jurisdiction—it is in West Fork District.
Lot Split discussion re: Washington County lot split vs. Greenland process for lot splits:
Motion by Commissioner Carnes: send the Washington County Subdivision Submittal Checklist for Subdivisions of Four lots or less to Carole Jones, City Engineer, to revise document to reflect Greenland information. And to add provision that four and under lot split process shall not be used in series on a parcel of land to avoid the large scale subdivision process. Once revisions are complete, bring back for review to Planning Commission.
Commissioner Guthrie 2nd, passed 5-0
Washington County has an exemption list: Certain transactions are exempt from having to be reviewed by Planning Commission, i.e., cemetery split, mortgage split, or family lot split. Still have to do an application for a lot split but exempt from fees, etc., and have to show proof of what they are proposing. No publication, easement, etc.
Motion by Commissioner Guthrie: Carole Jones to review Washington County Exemption List to incorporate Greenland information and provide final draft to Planning Commission for final review. Commissioner Carnes 2nd, passed 5-0.
- Plat Review
Greenland Subdivision Plat Submittal Checklist Discussion:
Make sure all references are to Greenland. Change copies of the plat for submittal from 10 to 7.
Motion by Commissioner Schoonover: We adopt City of Greenland, Arkansas, Subdivision Plat Submission checklist after Carole Jones makes revisions. Commissioner Carnes 2nd, passed 5-0.
Washington County Subdivision Submittal Checklist for Subdivisions of Four Lots or Less:
#2 on front page: Pay plat review fee—within city of Greenland or Greenland Planning area only.
Revise 10 copies for submittal to 7.
All references of Washington county to be revised to Greenland.
Motion by Commissioner Yoes: Washington County Subdivision Submittal Checklist for Subdivisions of Four Lots or Less be adopted with revisions listed. Commissioner Carnes 2nd, passed 5-0.
Large Scale Development Submittal Checklist
Make sure all references are to Greenland. Change copies of the plat for submittal from 10 to 7. Page 3, under Final Review: three bullet points—2nd and 3rd need to be reversed. Page 9, Drainage Report Checklist—need a specific chapter in code re: drainage as ours refers more to quality than quantity.
Motion by Commissioner Guthrie: We adopt City of Greenland, Arkansas, Subdivision Plat Submission checklist after Carole Jones makes revisions. Commissioner Schoonover 2nd, passed 5-0
Fayetteville Tech Plat Fire Code Review Sheet: Gives areas for fire department to review.
Make sure all references are to Greenland.
Motion by Commissioner Schoonover: Adopt Fayetteville Tech Plat Fire Code Review Sheet: a checklist to review when looking at the plat to make sure these items are addressed. Revise to West Fork Volunteer Fire Department. Commissioner Carnes 2nd, passed 5-0
- Table Liquor Sales till next meeting.
Liquor Sales: proposed items for Council Ordinance consideration
Sunday sales can only happen once approved by ballot measure.
Off premise alcohol sales shall not be consumed on business premises.
On premise last call by 11:00. Off premise sales no time limit, or impose time limit to avoid “grab and run” issues when police are not on duty.
Add definitions for bar; private club (non-profit), off and on premise. Determine if supplemental tax is needed; number of permits; lot line to lot line and/or building to building; division of food vs alcohol.
- Sign Code: continued review & revision discussion
Planning Commission submitted recommendations for changes in March 2017 minutes. Waiting on counsel approval and revised ordnance to be drafted.
Motion by Commissioner Yoes to approve minutes, Commissioner Carnes 2nd, passed 5-0
Motion Commissioner Carnes to adjourn at 7:45 p.m., Commissioner Yoes 2nd, passed 5-0