May 2017 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Meeting City of Greenland, Arkansas May 1, 2017, 6:00 p.m.
The Commission reserves the right to reprioritize its consideration of the items on the agenda.
Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Lee Guthrie, Paula Schoonover; meeting started 6:00 p.m.
- Public hearing- lot split 851 S. Main
Gary Denzer: Presented information to split off land to add to Baptist Ford Cemetery for plots. City engineer recommend we approve lot split.
Commissioner Yoes made a motion to approve; Commissioner Carnes 2nd. Passed 5-0.
Public hearing closed at 6:30; and open meeting began.
- Lot Split- 851 S. Main
Commissioner Yoes made motion to approve; Commissioner Carnes 2nd. Passed 5-0
- Greenland Future Land Use—discussion
An individual approached Mayor Bill Groom, Brenda Reynolds, and Washington Co officials, about a project on Campbell Loop Road. It wasn’t until this issue was brought up that it was discovered that the approved zoning and future growth map had been drawn up wrong.
County has area around the city zoned as Agricultural. When they look at our map it indicates RE. The Planning Commission forwards this info to the council and recommend that our zoning be amended. (See map for numbered lots.)
- Recommend to leave R.E.
- R-E to Industrial
- Remains R-3
- Industrial to C-3
- R-E to C-3
- R-E to C-3
- C-2 to C-3
Motion by Commissioner Guthrie that we recommend the changes per our discussion and forward to Council for approval. Commissioner Carnes 2nd. Passed 5-0.
- Liquor sales – PC recommendations for consideration of Council (based upon Jonesboro and Arkadelphia Ordnances—use their ordnances but add the following).
No Sunday sales until or if voted in by special ballot or next election cycle. Recommend Greenland do a ballot measure to amend to allow liquor by the drink.
Operating Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. M-F; 9 a.m. till midnight Saturday.
Ratio of alcohol to food requirement: 60% food, 40% alcohol.
Zones to allow off premise and on premise (once voted on) businesses: C-3 only.
Boundaries for off premise sale: 50’ from closest edge of building of the liquor establishment to the property line of residential. 50’ from closest edge of building of the liquor establishment to property lines of churches, schools, nursing homes, daycare, and addiction treatment facilities.
Boundaries for on premise sale: 100’ from closest edge of building of the liquor establishment to the property line of residential. 150’ from closest edge of the liquor establishment to property line of churches, schools, nursing homes, daycare, and addiction treatment centers.
These boundary restrictions do not apply to commercial zero lot line scenarios. Bars are not permitted.
Consumption of off premise alcoholic purchases, not allowed on premise.
Definitions needed: Restaurant, On Premise, Off Premise, Bar.
Recommend a Public Safety Commission comprised of Police Chief, 2 Planning Commissioners and 2 Councilmembers.
Hearings for violations of liquor rules and regulations of city to be heard by Public Safety Commission.
Application for Permits: 1) add establishment to give their projection of food to alcohol ratio; add Chief of Police allowed to inspect sales tickets to ensure compliance of ratio; investigative fee of $100 for transferability of permits.
Revocation of permit: no city permit reissued until released from the state.
Recommend a supplemental beverage tax of 5% of gross receipts.
Adopt Arkadelphia’s application fees.Commissioner Carnes made the motion that PC recommendations of liquor issue be sent to Council for their consideration. Commissioner Guthrie 2nd. Pass 5-0.
Commissioner Carnes made the motion to read minutes. Commissioner Schoonover 2nd. Pass 5-0
Motion to accept minutes: Commissioner Carnes, Commissioner Schoonover 2nd; Pass 5-0
- Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Commissioner Schoonover made the motion, Commissioner Yoes 2nd, Pass 5-0