February 2024 Planning Minutes
Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Ben Maddox, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Michele Cate, Hunter Collins
Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M.
1. Public Hearing: Greenland Acres, 10024 N. Campbell Rd, Lot Split Application
- Nathan Crouch, Planning Director, Blew & Associates, presented on behalf Greenland Acres
- Lot Split Application, both parcels will have frontage on Campell
- No Commission discussion; no public comment
2. 6:10 PM Public Hearing: Greenland Acres, 10024 N. Campbell Rd, Lot Split Application
- No Commission discussion; no public comment
- Motion to approve by Bill Yoes, seconded by Charlotte Carnes, passed 4-0
3. 6:13 PM Public Hearing: First Baptist Church, 251 S. Pollard Ave, Lot Line Adjustment Application
- Blane Atchley presented for First Baptist Church
- Charlotte Carnes recused herself due to association with First Baptist
- Adjustment being made to parcels to “square them up” better with the layout of the parcels
- No Commission discussion; no public comment
4. 6:16 PM First Baptist Church, Lot Line Adjustment Application
- No Commission discussion; no public comment
- Motion to approve by Ben Maddox, seconded by Michele Cates, passed 3-0
6:20 PM, Motion to adjourn by Ben Maddox, seconded by Michele Cate.
Hunter arrived shortly before adjournment; Reynolds, Maddox & Collins discussed Secretary Collins’ upcoming absence and scheduling Vice Chair Maddox to fill in during that time.