March 2024 Planning Minutes
March 4, 2024; 6:00 PM
170 N Letitia
Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Charlotte Carnes, Ben Maddox, Bill Yoes, Hunter Collins
- Public Comment
This item has been moved to the front of the agenda.
- Samuel Stewart; 335 W Wiles. Requesting information to build a manufactured home on the associated lot split from 2023. This property is zoned R-1, single family dwellings. The home will be a Clayton Manufactured home on slab with electric, septic, and associated existing utilities. Applicant has been directed to meet with Troy, building inspector, to ensure applicable building inspections and paperwork are acquired.
- Public Hearing: Holmberg, 10504-08 S. Hwy 265, Lot Split Request
- This property was split in 2018. Mr. Maddox asked about issues with the blind curve. When construction begins on that property, sight triangles will be considered for egress. Mr. Collins asked about the correct right of way width.
- No further comment.
- 6:13 PM complete public comment.
- Holmberg, 10504-08 S. Hwy 265, Lot Split Request
- No further comment
- Collins motion to approve. Maddox second. Approved 4-0.
- Public Hearing: Burciaga, 10339 and 10341 SE Campbell Road, Lot Split Request
- Additional right of way is required to meet the master street plan requirements.
No further comments.
- Burciaga, 10339 and 10341 SE Campbell Road, Lot Split Request
- Carnes motioned to approve lot split pending additional right of way dedication.
Maddox second. Conditionally approved 4-0.
- Public Hearing: Centerline Properties, 410 N. Main, Large Scale Development
- BeComfy Giant Hoodies (existing business in existing warehouse) will be the primary tenant. Two buildings will be used by BeComfy. The other three buildings will be rented out upon business license approval. This LSD will be constructed in two phases. Two buildings will be used by BeComfy. The existing building and building 1 will be built in phase 1. Buildings 2, 3 and 4 will be built in PH 2. Buildings 2, 3 and 4 will require tenants who meet the C-1 zoning.
- Citizen’s comments: The public is happy for the area to be cleaned up and developed.
- Spencer Rankine: He owns adjacent property. He is asking how to access a set of plans. Planning advised these plans will be located at City Hall.
- Jerusha Gittlen: adjacent property owner. She asked about the impact on the property value, traffic volume and density. Planning advised on the reasoning for commercial zoning. PC advised that commercial zoning is intended for businesses providing tax benefit and development providing goods and services or the betterment of the City of Greenland. This project will create office and retail space for new business. She also asked where the traffic will be exiting the property. The engineer advised most of the traffic will come from US 71. Inquiry was made about sidewalks, and Engineering advised sidewalks are not being requested on this property as this neighborhood is closed and sidewalk on US 71 would be unsafe. This is something that would have to be approved by ARDOT.
- Jennie McDonald: Proximity property owner. She asked if any improvements will be made to the southeast portion of Parker. Mrs. Jones, with city engineering department, advised that an additional 10’ of right of way was given but no improvements will be made to the existing roads.
- Closed public hearing 7:00 PM
- Centerline Properties, 410 N. Main, Large Scale Development
- No public comment. No planning comment.
- Collins motion to approve. Maddox second. Approved 4-0.
- Public Hearing: NWA Rental Group, N. Cato Springs Road, Conditional Use Permit
- Chairman Reynolds recused herself before item discussion.
- Johnathan Hope: Hope Construction. This property is zoned C-3. Applicant advised intent of this project was to provide facilities which did not require a large amount of sewer capacity since sewer capacity is an issue on site making a hotel or large restaurant design difficult. There is a 2” force main running under the highway serving the property near capacity. The current plan is for the proposed buildings to have “flex spaces.” The site plan included seven buildings, with only two of the seven being “commercial or retail” – the remaining five were for “warehousing.” The applicant brought pictures of businesses with warehousing in the back. The developer is only proposing sanitary sewer to the front two buildings.
- The applicant has been advised that warehousing will not be allowed in C-3 zoning. Discussion occurred that if all buildings were for commercial/retail, there would be no issue. If the purpose for the buildings were commercial/retail, then a CUP would not be needed because the utilization meets the intent of the code. Due to this, the applicant has decided to withdraw this conditional use permit from the agenda. Applicant advised they would revise their plan and return.
- NWA Rental Group, N. Cato Springs Road, Conditional Use Permit
- Applicant withdrew conditional use permit.
- Vendor Code: Seating Area Provisions
- The “outdoor vendor park” code has provision regarding barriers between traffic and seating areas. The “singular outdoor vendor” code section, however, does not address this issue. PC advises drafting of verbiage to revise code. Revised language will be presented to City Council for adoption when PC has completed the revision.
- Public Comment
- Questions were asked about 160 acres on Napier regarding a neighborhood. The city engineer advised the developer is wanting to do a PZD. The application is being submitted tomorrow but as of now, nothing has been received.
Yoes motioned to adjourn. Carnes second. Adjourned 7:26 PM.