January 2021 Planning Minutes
Greenland Planning Commission
Minutes January 4, 2021 Meeting
6:00 pm called meeting to order
Reynolds – motion to amend agenda to add number four, “Officer Election” to the agenda.
Yoes first, Carnes second. Pass 4-0
- Public Hearing – Nathan Ogden lot split, North Campbell Road
Justin Jorgenson, Jorgenson Associates to present. Lot split Campbell Loop Road 4.29 acres on Tract A, 1.6 acres on tract B. City Engineer has sent her review to planning through email. Yoes asked if they have water supply. Jorgenson asked Washington Water Authority for the exact location for survey crew to shoot, and Washington Water has provided Ogden letters confirming water will be supplied to each lot. Closed public hearing.
- Nathan Ogden lot split, North Campbell Road
No public comment. No planning further discussion. Schoonover motion to approve, Carnes second. Vote 5-0 approved.
- Foothills Discussion
Reynolds and Collins have had concerned citizens asking about the sidewalk and other issues on Foothills and around the neighborhood. Reynolds asked what will be done about the dangers of the ill-advised construction of the sidewalk. The building inspector was not involved in the construction process. The city engineer was not involved in the construction process. It was asked of the Mayor why they were not involved. His response is that there would be an expense involved. He said “we got a good price on the work and pulled the trigger.” Property owners are upset because there is gravel in their yard that was not cleaned up. There was no replacement of the sod in the area of construction leaving difficulties for the property owners to maintain. Collins advised there is already erosion from underneath the newly poured sidewalk. This will cause major deterioration in a short amount of time. Mayor said they will address the concerns. There are also concerns with some of the rock on the north side of the street causing runoff concerns. Reynolds asked why this “extra cost” was not justified when we have a city engineer and building inspector.
Public Comment: Lee Guthrie said it is sad that the money was spent on this sidewalk when it wasn’t put in correctly. She said she hopes something happens to all of these issues with no code enforcement.
Reynolds said there is no reason for the planning commission to even be involved in these issues. Reynolds asked, “Has the city already paid for this contract?” Mayor answered, “Yes.” The frustration the planning commission is having is that there are guidelines for how construction must take place and they are not being followed. We do not understand how there was no supervisor from the city to see how the construction was taking place. The duty to the City is to make sure that the job is done correctly.
Public comment: Citizens state that if someone did a poor job, they should have to come back and fix their shortcomings, City will have to pay for what is still lacking. This will become a council matter. Lee Guthrie wants to know if these are licensed contractors who placed the concrete, because the house on Yoes was constructed by a person not licensed to build houses. Was this contractor bonded? Where is the supervision? Why can’t we make sure the professionals who we pay take a look at these things and ensure they are being done to standard?
The fence that is constructed there does violate the code setbacks. It was asked if sidewalks were part of the planning commission process. Reynolds answered, “No the sidewalks are constructed by the city and usually happen when the house is built on the property, but this wasn’t done. The city is trying to add sidewalks as we have the money to do so.” The council is going to have to talk about this subject. Charlotte Carnes asked about the truck that is driving over the curb, rutting the yard, and parking in the front yard. The question is: When this curb breaks from being driven over, who is to blame and who has to fix this portion of the curb and sidewalk?
Mr. Yoes said he believes we know what the issues are. The Mayor has committed himself to get these things done. Reynolds asked if the Mayor had a timeline window. The Mayor said, “It is too early to tell. The ones that are fixable, we will fix those first. The ones that are harder, we will wait a bit to fix.”
- Officer Election
Hunter Collins for secretary – Schoonover motioned, Carnes Second (4-0)
Brenda Reynolds for chair – Collins motioned, Carnes Second (4-0)
Bill Yoes for vice chair – Reynolds motioned, Collins second (4-0)
Reynolds motion to adjourn – Carnes second (4-0)
Meeting adjourned at 7:44