January 2022 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday, January 3, 2022
Greenland Community Center
170 N Letitia
Meeting called to order 6:00 P.M.
Members Present: Bill Yoes, Hunter Collins, Brenda Reynolds, Charlotte Carnes, Ben Maddox, Michele Cate
- Approval of December 6, 2021 Minutes
Yoes motion to approve minutes. Maddox second. Approved 4-0. (Cate was not a member until January 2022.)
Minutes will now be sent out via email the day after the meeting. Planning members will approve or suggest edits and then the minutes will be sent to Recorder/Treasurer for the Council packet.
- Election of Planning Commission Officers
Chair – Maddox motion for Brenda Reynolds to remain Planning Chair. Collins second. Approved 5- 0. (Prior to the voting, inquiry was made to Mayor about reappointing Reynolds; he responded that it’s still unknown at this time. Also Carnes spoke regarding her verbal notice given at the last Council meeting. Discussion occurred).
Vice Chair – Yoes nominated Maddox. Collins second. Approved 5-0.
Secretary – Yoes nominated Collins. Maddox second. Approved 5-0.
Administrative Notes: PC’s procedures for inquiries about activities and code compliance have been established “direct the person to the Planning Chair and/or the Building Inspector and/or City Engineer.” This is still not occurring and recently construction was done, in violation of Code: no building permit was pulled, electric was installed, the setbacks were violated, and information given by the Mayor and Chief to the individual constructing the accessory building was incorrect— now the Council will have to determine enforcement measures. Building Inspector will be addressing this in his report to the Council. There cannot be continued non-communication, lack of following the Code, and no repercussions for violating the Code.
- Public Hearing – Reynolds Lot Line Adjustment SW Campbell
Jordan Haynes to represent. Two tracts proposed: one 7.00-acre lot, one 28.94-acres. Both properties have adequate access and utilities.
No planning discussion. No public input.
- Reynolds Lot Line Adjustment SW Campbell
General session: No planning commission discussion. No public comment. Maddox motioned. Collins second. Approved 5-0.
- Public Comment
Bruce Bradshaw – Owners of B&B storage and the Greenland Diner. The property in question is A&A storage unit property (501, 541, 543 South Main Avenue). The proposal is to update the property in two phases. Phase one would be to clean the property, find the existing utilities, ready storage units for lease, establish storm water facilities. Phase two is potentially RV park and/or mixed commercial mixed use buildings. The question is if the principal ingress and egress off South Main (Scanlon Drive crossing railroad tracks) and South Peerson St. This street continues and tees into Scanlon Drive. Mr. Bradshaw was informed that the city will not complete the construction of S Peerson or extend utilities – that is the responsibility of the developer. All city street and utility construction must comply with city code. He was also informed that storage units require a Conditional Use Permit in a C-1 zone. (Handout was given– attached to Minutes)
Brandon Barrett – 940 Wilson Street. He has built a storage unit in the front yard of his property. The applicant must ask for a variance in order to have a storage unit in the front of the property. He stated that the back portion of the property is too steep and there is a French drain on the side of the property. He was instructed to obtain a variance request application from City Hall.
Wednesday, January 5 is the submittal deadline for the February PC meeting. There are only drop lights in the building– an extension cord supplies that; no electric wired to the building. No one is living in the structure– storage only- he was advised it cannot be used for residency. Carport (to be delivered) was also addressed and he advised it will be flush, not in front, of the residence.
Donna Mason – Lockdown Storage LLC informed the planning commission that they have had no issues storing items for the customers at the RV Park. She does not believe they need to be able to build storage units on their property. The RV Park generates tax revenue for the City but storage units do not generate sales tax. A CUP should not be granted for storage that is not needed in Greenland. Hog Valley RV Park requested approval for two large storage units with a LSD Major Modification in December, but the storage units require a CUP in a C-3 zone. (Handout was given– attached to Minutes
Maddox motion to adjourn. Yoes second. Meeting adjourned 6-0. 7:00 PM.