December 2021 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Agenda
Monday, December 6, 2021 6:00 PM
Greenland Community Center
170 North Letitia
Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Charlotte Carnes, Ben Maddox, Bill Yoes and Hunter Collins
1. Public Hearing – Reynolds Lot Line Adjustment SW Campbell Road
Tabled as requested by Applicant.
2. Public Hearing – Reynolds Variance Request SW Campbell Road
Tabled as requested by Applicant.
3. Hog Valley RV Park Large Scale Development Major Modification NW Campbell Road Jerry Coyle, one of the owners, presented. Owners are requesting extension to the RV Park. This is considered a major modification because it is over 50% of the original design, phased out for
expansion. 61 new spaces, 2 tree houses and 2 storage buildings are proposed. The new 61 spaces will not be connected to the septic system but will provide water and electric. The tree houses are connected to a separate septic system designed for a total of 7 units. Currently there are 3 tree houses.
Customers in the new 61 spaces will have access to the facility’s existing waste tank to dump sanitary waste before leaving the site. The system will not allow overflow and is installed with a regulator and
alarm. The proposed storage units will be for customers to store items: one is 34 units and one is 46 units. Warehousing is a conditional use in C-3, the current zoning. A conditional use permit will be required for the storage units. This will change the nature of the approval of the major modification.
Approval of the request will be considered without the proposed storage units.
4. Reynolds Lot Line Adjustment SW Campbell Road Tabled.
5. Reynolds Variance Request SW Campbell Road Tabled.
6. Hog Valley RV Park Large Scale Development Major Modification NW Campbell Road No planning comment. No public comment. Carnes motioned to approve. Yoes second. 4-0 approved without the storage units.
7. Public Comment.
Paul Bushy – 515 N Cato Springs Road. Wants to construct addition to his home. His home is located across from Lock-Down Storage. He owns 4 acres in a C-3 zone. This will be a separate structure that will be used as an office. There are no issues with him constructing his office and he was instructed that it must be used as an office and not a guest house.
Matthew Howel – 853 Foothills Drive. He wants to add a garage to his property. He currently has a garage but wants to build another garage for his cars. He inquired about purchasing adjacent lot and doing lot line adjustment to consolidate into one parcel so he has room to build the
detached garage; question was raised as to whether consolidation can occur in a subdivision. PC Chair will get with City Attorney to inquire about this and then get with Mr. Howel.
Chris Gillow – 265 W Bailey. He wants to put a non-permanent residence on an existing residential property. His property is in a C-1 zone. He was instructed that he must have one contiguous house so a mother-in-law suite would work for his house as long as it is connected to the principle structure.
8. Discussion regarding promoting citizen awareness of Code.
How can we get the citizens to understand the code more efficiently? PC Chair and City Engineer currently field a lot of calls and provide information that could be provided by City Hall or the City’s website. City’s website has not yet been updated so that people can search for certain
terminology, website is hard to navigate and find the Planning section, and the Code is very difficult to find specific information unless you know where to look.
We need to clean up the code book. Current City Engineer proposed to provide a proposal to the City Council to assist the City Attorney in re-writing Titles 14 and 15 of the current code. City Engineer recommended that the city consider budgeting for a full time Planner who can work on a daily basis and answer questions for the public. This would be in addition to a planning
commission. There is a necessity for a planning department at City Hall.
City Engineer proposed changes to the Lot Split section of the code in advance of the re-writing
of Titles 14 and 15. Revisions will be given to the City Attorney.
9. FLUM – City Engineer and Planning Chair were present at the public meeting held on December 2. Two minor revisions to the map were discussed. Collins Motion to approve and forward with the minor revisions to the City Council for approval. Carnes second. Approved to forward to
council for adoption 4-0.
10. Maddox motioned to adjourn. Carnes second. 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:06 P.M.