November 2021 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Meeting
Monday, November 1, 2021, 6:05 PM
Greenland Community Center
170 North Letitia
Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Ben Maddox, Charlotte Carnes, Hunter Collins
- Public Hearing: Rezoning Application, N. Lillie Lane (Irene 2, LLC)
Approximately 57 acres at the end of North Lillie Lane. The current zoning is R-E, Residential Estates (density 1 acre minimum lot size). Request is to rezone to R-1, Low Density Residential (min density is 8,000 square feet/lot).
Tim Lemons, Lemons Engineering, accompanied by Mark Snyder and James Mathias. Tentatively looking at 9,000 to 10,000 square feet per lot. Mr. Lemons prepared a concept drawing that he showed to the public. The current request is only for the rezoning of the property. The specific details of the subdivision will be considered at a later date. The applicant will be required to submit a separate application for development of the subdivision.
Max Deitchler, an attorney with Kutak Rock, representing Walker Properties who owns property to the north and northeast of the subject property requested that the Planning Commission deny the rezoning request. Mr. Walker has an agricultural operation on the top of the hill. Mr. Walker does not want the rezoning to be passed for multiple reasons. Mr. Deitchler read through the list of approval criteria for rezoning requests from Greenland’s city code. He pointed out that several of the criteria applied to the subject property.
Pam Horn, another adjacent property owner, spoke and stated that she is concerned with the proposed increase in density for the property.
The current future land use map shows the subject property as R-E. The proposed, updated (but not officially adopted) future land use map shows the subject property as R-1. Brenda Reynolds (Planning Chair) stated that the commission had discussed revising the area from R-E to R-1 before this rezoning request was proposed.
The future land use map and master street plan are just guides that help keep the city on a plan for the future growth of their city. The commission has the flexibility to vary from the FLUM.
Ingress and egress are proposed from N Lillie Lane which is located within the AR Department of Transportation right-of-way. Currently, the property could be developed to approximately 57 lots under the current zoning designation of Residential Estates (one acre minimum).
This property has remained undeveloped for years due to lack of infrastructure.
There was an inquiry for an industrial use approximately 5 years ago but no action was taken.
Mr. Lemons also stated that if they cannot successfully tie into the existing sanitary sewer collection system, then the applicant would consider larger lot sizes. The applicant would like the flexibility of the R-1 zoning designation so he would not be restricted to the one acre minimum lot size of the existing Residential Estates zoning designation.
2. Public Hearing: Variance Request 10511 SE Campbell Road (Johnson)
A variance is required because the proposed access is more than 100 feet in length. This was discussed at last month’s meeting. No discussion.
3. Public Hearing: Residential Lot Split 10511 SE Campbell Road (Johnson)
No discussion.
4. Rezoning Application: N Lillie Lane (Irene 2, LLC)
No further public or planning commission comments. Collins motion to approve. Carnes second. Passed 4-0.
5. Variance Request: 10511 SE Campbell Loop (Johnson)
Collins motion to approve. Second Maddox. Passed 4-0.
6. Residential Lot Split: 10511 SE Campbell Loop (Johnson)
Carnes motioned to approve. Maddox second. Passed 4-0.
7. Recommend City Council approve of the updated FLUM and Master Street Plan dated October 11, 2021
Formal vote: Yoes motioned to approve. Carnes second. Passed 4-0.
8. Public Comment
Recommendation for the council to draft an ordinance that removes the 100-foot maximum distance limitation on access roads. Collins motion to approve. Maddox second. Passed 4-0.
Jordan Haynes – Lot line adjustment on the southwest portion of the Reynolds property on SW Campbell Road. He will be required to get an access easement for access to the property from the northwest. Approval of a variance request is also required because the proposed access road is in excess of 100 feet in length.
Yoes motion to adjourn. Carnes second. Meeting adjourned at 7:07 pm.