October 2021 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Meeting
Monday, October 4, 2021
Called to order at 6:04 PM
Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Ben Maddox, Charlotte Carnes, Hunter Collins
1. Public Hearing Topkick Trail (Cartwright)– Lot Split
Ronnie Cartwright presented. Proposes four tracts of land to be split from one. No planning discussion. No public input.
2. Public Hearing 1210 W Barrett Lane (Scott) Lot Line Adjustment
Mr. Scott to present. Proposed a lot line adjustment to sell property to neighbor. The lot line was agreed upon by both parties. Noted that the property is in a trust. No discussion, no public input.
3. Topkick Trail (Cartwright)– Collins motion to approve. Carnes second. Approved 3-0.
4. 1210 W. Barrett Lane (Scott) Lot Line Adjustment
Carnes motion to Approve. Collins second. Approved 3-0.
5. Sign Code – Notice Requirement Discussion
Proposal: When an applicant receives verbal notice of a required activity (i.e., sign compliance, landscaping requirements, business license, etc.) during a formal Planning Commission meeting, and the requirements/deadlines are part of the formal Minutes, and the requirements are noted on the approved application which is given back to the applicant for obtaining a license, permit, etc., this will constitute “written notice” which puts the applicant on notice of the Code requirements and begins the “notice” period as required in Code. If such “notice” is not formalized with the applicant at the onset, then the applicable “notice” provisions of Greenland Municipal Code shall be applied.
Public Comment:
Cory Mitchell – Proposed Lot split – 5.71 Acres located at 10511 SE Campbell Loop. Zoning is RE 1. There is a proposed 30’ access easement to ensure 533’ gravel drive to the proposed building site. The applicant was instructed to submit a variance application for the extended access (100’ max drive from road). The property is located in the Greenland planning area.
Maddox motion to adjourn. Collins second. 4-0. Meeting adjourned 6:20 PM