September 2021 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Meeting
Tuesday, September 7, 2021, 6:00 PM
Greenland Community Center
170 North Letitia
Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Hunter Collins, Charlotte Carnes, Ben Maddox
Note: Future Land Use Map Meeting ran from 6:00-6:30 PM
- Public Hearing: Cartwright Topkick Trail – Lot Split
∙ Tabled per applicant request prior to meeting date
- Public Hearing: Burton Pools and Spas; S Lillie Ln – Variance Request
∙ Jared Inman with Jorgensen and Associates to present. Added 1 additional handicap spaces per last month’s comments.
∙ Code requires 31 spaces including 2 ADA.
∙ Requesting 27, including the 2 ADA.
∙ Variance request does not meet the requirements stated in the Code
∙ Business expects 3-5 customers per day by appointment only and 5-7 employees. The variance is being requested because they do not need 31 spaces to run their business.
∙ Under these special conditions they are requesting a variance.
∙ No public comment
- Cartwright Topkick Trail – Lot Split
∙ Tabled.
- Burton Pools and Spas; S Lillie Ln – Variance Request
∙ Collins motion to approve. Maddox second. Approved 4-0.
- Natural State BBQ – Sign Permit Application
∙ Applicant not present. The Commission has given ample opportunity to comply with the Code. ∙ Motion by Collins to deny application; Second Carnes. Denied 4-0
∙ PC recommends application of Section 9.08.08- penalty for failing to comply with sign code. This will be passed to Council for them to enact the penalty clause and impose fine. Building inspector will contact applicant to suggest they attend the council meeting to preserve their rights or answer questions council may have
∙ Motion to pass to council for enactment of Section 9.08.08 by the Council.
∙ Motion by Carnes. Second Collins. Passed 4-0.
- Public Comment
∙ Topkick Trail – Mr. Cartwright presented initial information prior to item being heard next month. Lot split of 4 lots, 2 will have access off Topkick and 2 off an unnamed road running along the railroad. The fire chief checked Topkick but not the other road, and police chief checked both. The fire chief advised there is some concern about the road that runs parallel with the railroad, which lies in the flood plain. These lots are located in the County. Planning recommends the applicant speak with County Planning prior to presenting at next month’s meeting. Planning also recommends that the applicant show a sufficient turnaround for the lots that are accessed from the road that runs along the railroad.
∙ Mark Helwig – 352 Tanner Rd. inquiring about a driveway width extension. Request will cut into setback due to the way the property was developed and the original driveway already cuts into the setback area. Was requesting 10-ft width; PC advised 9’ (normal driveway width) would be better to minimize encroachment to the extent possible. A variance request will be necessary, but PC does not preliminarily see any issue with a variance request due to the nature of the property involved. Applicant was advised to get a variance application from City Hall.
∙ Snyder Development requested input for rezoning approximately 58 acres from R-E to R-1 on North Lillie Lane at the top of the dead-end road; looking at potential residential development project. PC reviewed proposed information and provided input that there does not seem to be any issue with a rezoning request for that particular area—surrounded by R1 already. Some concern was expressed by Maddox that the proposed development only proposed one way in and one way out from North Lillie Lane.
Yoes motion to Adjourn. Carnes Second. Passed 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.