June 2021 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Meeting
Monday, June 7, 2021
Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Hunter Collins, Charlotte Carnes, Paula Schoonover, Ben Maddox Meeting Called to Order 6:00 PM
1. Public Hearing: Scott McElroy – NW Campbell Lot Split
Mr. McElroy to present. The agenda should reflect the address is on “SW” Campbell Road, not “NW”. No comments from the Planning Commission. No public comment. Public hearing closed. 6:04 PM.
2. Scott McElroy – NW Campbell Lot Split
Mr. Yoes displayed concern about splitting the parcel and private easement instead of a creating city street. Mr. McElroy previously stated the private drive will remain private drive, but if there is development in that area in the future, then the city can take over the road. There is not a future vision for the road to change from a private drive. A lot line adjustment may be necessary later to clean up the lot lines with the adjacent property owner, Cates Family. This would allow the entrance to the property, and subsequently the private entrance road, to lump in with one of the tracts of land in this tract split. After construction is complete on these tracts, the private road will be paved. PC advised there will need to be sign-off by the Fire Chief regarding turn-around access.
Schoonover Motioned. Carnes Second. Passed 5-0.
3. Earlene Baker – 10286 & 10290 N. Hwy 265: Lot Line Adjustment: Removed from Agenda per applicant.
4. FLUM – Continued Discussion: Carole Jones to present. Discussion proceeded until 6:46 PM.
5. Building Fees: discussion and status inquiry
The information was given to the council the last two meetings. It is now in the hands of the council to establish new building fees. The lowest building fees were deemed by the PC as too high for small storage buildings, remodels, etc. Council needs to establish new fee structure at the next meeting.
6. Planning Procedures Streamline – Follow up discussion.
Jones explained she wants to make a blanket submittal date. There needs to be an ordinance to change the verbiage in the Code to remove “date references” so the PC’s timeline complies with Code. The 5th of each month should be the deadline for all applications.
7. Tandem Lot Access Code Change – Follow up discussion.
This is regarding change to the Code to remove the 100’ access requirement and change to “case by case basis as determined by the City Engineer, Fire Chief, and Police Chief.” No interaction has been had by Jones with the City Attorney.
8. Suggested Code Changes – Follow-up discussion RE 1+ acre change approved by Council. Item is on agenda as “update” only: Chair advised Council, at their last meeting, adopted 1+ acre change as provided in the previous document from Justin Reed.
9. Outdoor Vendor Code Work—PC is to review draft for further discussion next month.
Collins motioned to Adjourn. Yoes Second. Time: 7:08 PM