May 2021 Planning Minutes
Greenland Planning Commission
May 3, 2021 Minutes
Members Present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Hunter Collins, Paula Schoonover, Charlotte Carnes, Ben Maddox Meeting called to order at 6:03.
∙ Scott McElroy–
∙ purchased 53.5 acres from Reynolds Trust property. Wants to split lot into three residential properties. He is proposing to build an access road from SW Campbell Loop. Carole Jones asked if there are any variances that are required.
∙ Lot 1: 20 acres; Lot 2: 14 acres; Lot 3: 18 acres
∙ The 53.5 acres includes 1.5 acres on the corner of SW Campbell for access to the parcels that would be otherwise landlocked. Carole advised this will result in no ‘tandem’ lots being created. ∙ Applicant is also planning to purchase approximately 0.5 acres from Mark and Michele Cate to the east to facilitate access. There is currently an access easement across the Cate property.
∙ Homes 1 and 2 will start construction this summer and home 3 will start in about a year and a half. ∙ Chair asked if the road would be paved. The access will be a private road/drive and will be the responsibility of the homeowners to maintain. No additional city streets created for city maintenance. ∙ The turn-around radius was discussed regarding Code being potentially changed. Ultimately, fire and police will have to sign off on the size of the access road for turn around.
∙ Nathan Ogden- Regarding the property south of W Napier, east of N Campbell Rd ∙ He wants to sell the property in order to start working on the project next month. ∙ The proposed business would fit within the C2, C3, I-1 zoning, and a rezone request would be applied for after closing on the property.
∙ This is the area the City is currently looking at placing “I-1” zoning.
∙ There may be some issues with street frontage. A variance could possibly be granted for the street frontage issues after a site plan has been submitted.
- Public Hearing – John Wilson – A Ventureland, LLC – 492 N. Main
Max Richards, Bates & Associates present: Lot split for Tract 1. 3.42 acres split into a 0.81 acre and 2.61 acre portion. AutoHaus is wanting to go on the 0.81 acre plot. PC inquired to ensure setbacks could be met for the proposed development with such a small parcel. Chair advised variances would not be given on setbacks. PC was advised the initial plans indicate setbacks can be met. This is a C-1 zoning. It is not in a flood zone. The setbacks have been reviewed with a 30’ setback from the public street. There will need to be a sanitary sewer extension through the existing easement. There is water available.
- Lot Split – John Wilson – A Ventureland, LLC – 492 N Main
No discussion. No public comment. Schoonover motioned. Carnes Second. Passed 5-0.
- Natural State Smokehouse BBQ – Business License Review
Alex Glass, Owner, has a building being built for the smoker. He has a building being delivered in 6 weeks. He will discuss Code with the building inspector. Regarding landscaping, improvements will be made to the parking lot to have segregation between parking and seating area for dining. He has a sign on the building that needs a sign permit. Chair explained the sign permit application process and compliance. He said he is not sure on dimensions or about which sign (there being two presently) is not meeting the ordinance. Chair also explained that the business did not meet the landscaping code. The PC allowed a certain period for getting signs and landscaping- that time has passed, and the business is currently not in compliance. He wants to know what size sign is permitted for his business on the roadside. Chair reiterated the sign code. He was informed that he will have to fill out two sign permits– one for the existing sign and one for the proposed roadside sign being built and pay the sign permitting fee. Cutoff day is May 5th to be on the next month’s agenda. This issue will be revisited in August. The landscaping plan can be emailed to Chair for review.
- 201 N. Main business license – update:
The Council approved the PC’s recommendation for the $25 credit for the business license paid last year due to COVID. (business was never able to open).
- Tandem Lot Access – follow-up discussion (Code page 255.1)
Tabled. No Code change updates received from attorney yet.
- Future Land Use Map and Master Street Plan – continued discussion
Carole Jones: Discussion of bike lanes on arterials and collectors. With proposed, future street routes, the parks would be connected through roads with bike lanes for future construction. Next month we will look at the future land use map.
- Planning Procedures Streamline – follow-up
Carole Jones to get with City Attorney about the cutoff dates and procedures for applications.
- Building Fees – follow-up discussion
PC presented info to City Council last month to review changes to fee structure; Council needs to establish different fees based on 1) new build; 2) remodel; 3) storage/accessory. Building Inspector duties are different for each type.
9. Outdoor Vendor Code Work – follow-up discussion: Tabled. No information received from city attorney. 10. Suggested Code Changes – follow-up discussion: Tabled. No information received from city attorney. Vote to adjourn meeting: Yoes Motion. Carnes Second.