April 2021 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday, April 5, 2021
6:00 PM at Greenland Community Center
Present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Paula Schoonover, Ben Maddox
Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m.
- Public Hearing – Doyle and Alma Reynolds Rezoning – SW Campbell Rd
- no one present
- Mayor advised Chair prior to meeting he talked with Doyle and they’ve backed out, was not sure Reynolds’ were proceeding; Carole advised nothing in Code requires applicant to be present on rezoning; Chair stated concern about proceeding when there was question as to the intent of the applicant; Carole advised she spoke with Doyle on the 10th, and he said to proceed with what was on the application.
- PUBLIC COMMENT: citizens’ inquiries about type of R zoning; will be “RE”-lots 1 acre or more; Justin Reed stated concern over new streets/roads which would have to be maintained by city, but no additional revenue to support that maintenance, also stated concern over loss of future commercial revenue. Topography was addressed, and Carole also acknowledged Justin’s concerns and read Code page 231 regarding criteria for approval. Questions raised about how parcel sales would occur- it was reiterated the PC was not addressing any future, potential activity, but solely the rezoning request at this time.
- Public Hearing – Mark & Michele Cate – SW Campbell
- Cates present; purchased 12.5 acre lot from the Reynolds and wants to build house. Has street frontage and access; preliminary information was given at last month’s meeting.
- PUBLIC COMMENT: inquiry about driveway and where it would be located due to the curves; Carole advised the driveway is in between 2 curves on the straightway and there should be no line-of-sight issue.
- Rezoning – Doyle and Alma Reynolds – SW Campbell Rd
- No further public comment; no further PC discussion
- Yoes- motion to approve; 2nd Carnes; Pass 4-0. Item will be forwarded to the City Council for approval or denial on April 12, 2021 (relevant application pages are attached for Council’s review).
- Rezoning – Mark & Michele Cate – SW Campbell
- No further public comment; no further PC discussion
- Maddox motion to approve; 2nd Yoes; Pass 4-0. Item will be forwarded to the City Council for approval or denial on April 12, 2021 (relevant application pages are attached for Council’s review).
- Lot Line Adjustment – Shirley M. Culver Trust – 230 W. Carrol Street
- Maddox recused due to being an interested party.
- Ricky Tomlinson present; request is to square-up property line
- No public comment; no PC discussion
- Schoonover motion to approve; 2nd by Carnes; Pass 4-0 with Chair being 4th vote.
- Future Land Use Map and Master Street Plan – continued discussion
- Carole provided handout showing 3 different type streets (attached); City currently has “commercial service road” as a category as well, inquiry if we wanted to keep that; Chair advised that the collector streets can often serve as commercial service roads, and no real reason to keep commercial service roads as well. Carole and PC agreed.
- Schoonover inquired about bike lanes; it was agreed that we would have “arterial” and “arterial with bike lane” as categories; could be determined later as to what type would go where.
- Due to topography, there are issues with some of the proposed “future” roads which were originally on the map from 2008. Carole explained some revisions regarding Lee Valley Phase 4 as well as another proposed road showing on map. Carole will provide a drawing at the next PC meeting showing proposed revisions.
PUBLIC COMMENT SECTION: Moved up Public Comment to allow citizens to inquire about non-agenda items so they do not have to wait until end of meeting. No public comment.
- Planning Procedures streamline – follow up
- All cutoff dates will be the 5th; the proposed streamline is attached.
- If the 5th falls on a holiday or weekend, the cutoff will be the preceding day.
- Code will not reflect “dates” for cutoff, but instead will reflect “the cutoff date established in the application.” This will prevent future conflicts with date references in the Code.
- Carole recommends the Council doing an ordinance adopting the revised procedure; Carole will get with City Attorney.
- Carole mentioned Sections 14 and 15 of the Code are problematic and need revamped; Chair addressed there needs to be “subdivision” regulations and then “regular” regulations- Carole referred to those as “Development Guidelines” (instead of “zoning” and “subdivision”). Chair stated she sent an email to Council last month regarding the fact the Code needs reworked.
- Council needs to decide as to who will be responsible for doing the Code revision work and how to proceed.
- Outdoor Vendor Code work – discussion
- Chair gave copy of working draft to City Attorney before meeting.
- Chair will email City Attorney the Word version of the document; City Attorney will work on final draft for PC.
- Suggested Code Changes – discussion (Suggested change document is attached)
- paragraph 1: There is current zoning for permitted mobile home parks; trailers are single-family dwellings; Code does not allow more than one SFD on a single parcel- that standard needs to remain intact. • paragraph 2: eliminating code re: paved driveway (non-subdivision) was already voted on and approved by Council; no ordinance ever drawn up for Council to finalize it.
- paragraph 3: PC will defer to City Council on dumpster screening; PC’s thought is that just because people are not doing it, does not mean it should be done away with; however, the compatible material requirement can be problematic and needs revised.
- PC stated that there are plans to work on differentiating guidelines for properties larger than 1 acre– just need time to work on it.
- Building Fees – discussion
- see attached Fee Schedule which is part of the current building permit application.
- Staff advises Troy that this is the only fee schedule that is used by the City.
- Lowest fee is $190 for any building 1-500 feet.
- Tony Wing present- addressed issue with a GMC 11.28.08; 2,000 square foot remodel costing a $1,100 permit fee; discussion; PC agrees that all fees need to be reviewed and revised to appropriately relate to the project. • Maddox inquired if there is a way to do away with the flat fee schedule, and go by “type” of structure instead
(i.e., remodel, new construction, storage building; etc.) PC asked Troy if he could create or obtain a list of different types of structures and then the City needs to determine appropriate fee structures for the various types. Council needs to determine appropriate fee adjustments.
- 201 N. Main business license- discussion
- Applicant paid for business license in 2019 and then never got to open due to Covid. Chair advised this is not a business that was open prior to Covid, would not have had to pay to keep an ongoing license in effect, but instead, never got to use the license paid for. Chair inquired about 2021 license and owner had already paid his fee for
this year. Applicant has not contacted anyone or asked for any special consideration, but Chair stated that out of fairness, Chair recommends that he should either be credited for the fee paid or refunded. PC agrees. Will ask Council for approval of the refund or credit.
- Tandem Lot access-discussion (Code page 255.1)
- Code currently says tandem lots cannot have access further than 100′ from main road and must have 55′ radius turn-around; Carole and Chair have discussed that many lots in the City or Planning Area do not topography to sustain this and it would be best to revise the Code to do away with this provision and have each development be on a case-by-case evaluation/sign-off by the City Engineer, Fire Chief and Police Chief.
Motion to adjourn- Carnes; 2nd Yoes; Pass 4-0.