March 2021 Planning Minutes
March 1, 2021
Present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Ben Maddox, Charlotte Carnes, Hunter Collins 6:05 pm meeting called to order.
Chair Motion to amend agenda to put public comments 1st. Carnes second. Passed 4-0.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Michelle Cate: Bought property from the Reynolds. They want to build a home on the property. Need to know if they need to get home plans approved through the planning commission. The Chair explained houses were being built that were not code compliant which is why PC would review all development; however new building inspector knows Code and is very capable, so single home residential construction does not need to come before PC. That was why the code for residential construction was discussed previously. Introduced Mrs. Cate to Troy, the building inspector, to further clarify the process. They have purchased or are considering purchasing approximately 12 acres on the west end of parcel number 775-18044-200. Cates were advised they may have to apply for rezoning of their parcel from C-3 to an approved residential zoning in order to build a house. The parcel is included in the Reynolds rezoning request.
- Public Hearing on Doyle and Alma Reynolds – SW Campbell Rd for Rezoning.
- This will be tabled because application is incomplete. No site plan or survey was provided for review by the planning commission. An application was turned in on February 9th but the planning chair was not notified about the application until the 19th of February. There are deficiencies in the application.
- The Chair explained that the type of residential zone needs to be specified in the application
- Realtor claimed that the Texas company who wanted to build a neighborhood backed out of the contract because the city did not give an answer on how to proceed with their development. The Chair and Carole said the only known contact was with Nathan Ogden who came to the planning commission meeting in February to inquire about the option of rezoning. The PC agreed to entertain a notion for the rezoning if an application was submitted. No application or site plan was ever submitted. No one directly related to the project ever came to the PC regarding their project.
- Public hearing on Reynolds’ rezoning cannot take place due to the deficiencies in the application and the PC not having necessary documentation. 7 copies of the site plan must be submitted for the planning commission. PC understands the publication was done when the application was received, and the certified mail was sent out by City on February 19, 2021, but no communication to Carole about that so Carole and realtor were also working on that.
- The certified letters were deficient in that they did not include the current zoning and the proposed zoning.
- Although tabled, the PC had lengthy discussion with the realtor so the Reynolds could know how to proceed with their application. PC recommendation is that the land should be resurveyed to break up the parcels into manageable pieces that all have road access. This would ensure no parcel becomes land locked. There could be lot line/property line adjustments to ensure the efficient use and sale of the land. There could be a rezoning to residential while keeping street frontage for C-3 zoning.
- Public opinion: six members of the adjoining properties, all requested that the property stay residential, some wanted agricultural. They collectively agreed the land should be zoned residential estates.
- Public Hearing and application on Reynolds Property Rezoning is tabled until the April 5 meeting.
- Collins motion to table. Second Maddox. Passed 4-0.
- Rezoning Doyle and Alma Reynolds – SW Campbell Rd. General Session.
- Tabled– Carnes motion. Second Yoes. Passed 4-0.
- Outdoor Vendor Code
- Tabled. – Maddox motion. Second Carnes. Passed 4-0
- Map Review – Begin FLUM and Master Street Plan Update Discussion.
- Carole Jones presented.
- Proposed placing the current map on the city’s website along with a description of what the city is trying to achieve and comment forms to receive public input. The Chair also suggested placing the information on the city’s FaceBook page.
- Define Street Sections: Master Street Plan. Need specifications of types of streets. Need section views of different street types to include in the Master Street Plan. After street sections are defined, PC can begin looking at where the different street types can go on the map.
- Public can give their input on the location of the streets, types of streets, and zoning of areas.
- City council must vote and pass the map review after the public has given their inputs and a final map has been produced.
- Types of streets: 4 types of roads. The current adopted planning map has street types that do not match the code. The section views need to be created based on the specifications of the streets in the code. There probably needs to be an added greenspace between the curb and sidewalk for most street sections.
- Need to designate a new industrial area for zoning.
- Look at rezoning some of the portions of land that are currently commercial that could be rezoned residential.
- Address landlocked parcels with dashed street lines for future road development.
- City council approved ordinances need to be presented to NWA regional planning so they can update the maps/GIS online.
City of Greenland, Proposed Revisions to Planning Procedures –
- Carole Jones presented.
- In the Code, dates are all over the place for submissions- 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th. Need to be the same to avoid confusion. The Chair advised that this “streamline” has already been addressed and Council voted to accept the change to “singular” date, but the Code itself does not reflect that. Carole agreed. The codification needs to be found, or if the codification was not followed through with, needs to be done now. Proposed one deadline for all planning items.
- The submittal deadline to consider is the 5th of the month prior to the next planning commission meeting. If the 5thfalls on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday holiday, the deadline would be the previous Friday.
- Notification Requirements – the applicant is required to notify all adjacent property owners in writing. The city puts it in the paper and places the signs on the development. The receipts of mailing must be provided to the city by the applicant prior to the hearing.
- Proposed example for development. Letter of notification and Certification of Mailing. These are already part of the current Large Scale Development application.
- Communications between city, PC, and City Engineer need to be better—timely information needs to go to Chair, Secretary, and City Engineer.
8:17 pm. Collins Motion to adjourn. Yoes second. Passed 4-0.