March 2018 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 5, 2018
6:00 PM at City Hall
The Commission reserves the right to reprioritize its consideration of the items on the agenda.
Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Lee Guthrie, Paula Schoonover. Called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
- Public hearing on lot split – 324 Napier, Greenland, AR: Mr. Taylor presented certified letters for notification of neighbors. Proof of notification referencing Washington County Tax Maps. No discussion.
- Public hearing on Conditional Use Permit, Highway 265. Kathryn & Jeremy Rogers. Proof of notification of surrounding properties presented to Commission. No sign was posted re: notice of public meeting. Tabled the public hearing to April 2, 2018 Planning Commission meeting. City to republish newspaper notifications.
- Public Meeting for Lot Split Application for 136 Lillie Lane, Fayetteville, AR: Presented proof of return receipt notifications. Public hearing postponed until April 2nd meeting. Sign not posted and city will republish newspaper notifications.
Public hearing meeting ended at 6:45 p.m.
Motion to approve lot split on Napier by Commissioner Yoes, 2nd by Commissioner Carnes. Pass 5-0.
Motion to amend agenda to add Charles & Debra Clark, Commissioner Schoonover, 2nd Commissioner Carnes, Pass 5-0
4.Trustees for Betty Bohannan. Doing a new survey and discovered that part of the land was Dan Dorman’s land. Questioning if a lot line adjustment petition is necessary. Planning Commission advised petitioners that this could be done with a Quit Claim Deed.
5. Agenda items: An influx of individuals at last minute and wanting to be on the agenda is causing PC to be blindsided and disallows PC from giving an informed opinion. It also runs the risk of giving bad advice.
Discussion: For preliminary discussion where no action is taken, it must be at least 7 days prior to planning commission meeting. It needs to be in the Planning Commission packet delivered by the police officer. Items needing a vote or action will still be put on the agenda per code requirements.
Motion to adopt a 7-day timeline: Commissioner Schoonover made motion; Commissioner Carnes 2nd; pass 5-0.
Update: Alcohol Code has been given to Danny Wright for the Council to review and approve.
Public Comments: Penny Flatte and her husband questioned what the progress is on code being changed that if a home on a commercial lot is destroyed, can it be rebuilt? And to be able to treat as normal residential use. Chair updated the Flatte’s that Planning Commission has passed on the recommendation to the Council to make the changes to code.
Motion made by Commissioner Schoonover to read minutes, seconded by Commissioner Carnes. Pass 5-0.
Motion made to adopt minutes by Commissioner Yoes, seconded by Commissioner Carnes, passed 5-0.
Motion made by Commissioner Carnes to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Yoes, passed 5-0.
Meeting adjourned 7:38 p.m.