February 2018 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 5, 2018
6:00 PM at City Hall
The Commission reserves the right to reprioritize its consideration of the items on the agenda.
Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Lee Guthrie, Paula Schoonover. Called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
1. Public hearing on lot split – unable to proceed. Petitioner did not send notifications to neighbors by certified/return receipt. Tabled to March meeting and will have to give
public notice again in newspaper. Public hearing time closed. General session begins at 6:10.
2. Conditional Use Permit, Highway 265. Katie Rogers. Has to purchase an estimated 1,100-foot easement to get to land locked property. Working with horses and children, and with a parking lot adjacent to facility. Wants to put the horse facility on a residential portion and needs a conditional use permit. Commission has no objection to petitioner starting the conditional use process.
3. Paul Colvin re: Greenland Wrecker. Mr. Cyclone wants to sell to Mr. Sosa who wants to make it an automotive recycling center again. Three parcels are being sold: one residential, one with the conditional use for salvage yard, and east side two acre with warehouse building in planning area. One question: does the conditional use
automatically transfer to the new owner?
4. Grandfathered Uses: Code as written if total loss of the structure, if more than 60% destroyed, the structure cannot be rebuilt, general repair or residual improvement. Commission discussion regarding undue burden created on property owners suffering loss; not being able to reasonably use or modify a home in a “C” zone; Commission would like to see Code changed for more “owner-user- friendly” purposes. Chair to talk with city engineer to determine changes for city council to consider.
5. Update on Alcohol Code: Final revisions to code will be completed by Chair and passed to city attorney for his submission to City Council.
Commission Guthrie made a motion that these are final edits and review by Planning
Commission, and Alcohol Code be presented to City Council.
Commission Carnes 2nd ; passed 5-0.
6. Motion for Secretary, Vice-Chair and Chairman in January meeting, were inadvertently noted as passed 5-0, should have been 4 and 1 abstain.
2 Motion made by Commissioner Schoonover to read minutes, seconded by Commissioner
Carnes. Pass 5-0.
Motion made to adopt minutes by Commissioner Schoonover, seconded by Commissioner
Yoes, passed 5-0.Motion made by Commissioner Yoes to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Carnes, passed
Meeting adjourned 7:38 p.m.