October 2019 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Agenda
Monday October 7, 2019
6:00 pm at City Hall
The Commission reserves the right to reprioritize the items on the agenda. In attendance: Hunter Collins, Charlotte Carnes, Bill Yoes, Brenda Reynolds
1. Public Hearing: Lot Split: Terry Presley 5247 South Schaffer road
Vickie Presley-Hassell: The wedding venue. Want to split the house on the property from the wedding venue site. 1.34 acres for house and building and remaining 5.9 acres to be on the commercial building site. Each parcel has utilities. Will have to comply with Washington Co. There was just one large copy of the plat. Ms. Presley to drop off two other copies for signing. No public comment.
2. Public Hearing: CUP: Amanda Henry 3928 South Cato Springs Road
Amanda Henry wants to purchase 3928 South Cato Springs road and would like to relocate their house and business to that address, which is zoned R-3. Submissions were very thorough. The CUP is contingent upon the purchase of the property. If the sale does not go through, the CUP does not go with the property.
3. Public Hearing: Easement vacation: Kyle Walker 760 W. Foothills Drive
Mr. Walker is proposing to vacate approximate 1180 sf portion of easement on lot 96 at 760 W. Foothills. Currently, the drainage easement is forty feet and a 20-foot utility easement take up too much of his lot and can’t build his house and comply with setback restrictions. Wants to vacate a small portion, 20 feet, of the drainage easement so he can build his home. Utility company(ies) have signed off on his proposal.
Public meeting ends at 6:25 p.m.
General Sessions
4. Terry Presley Lot Split.
Motion by Commissioner Carnes to approve, Commissioner Yoes second.
Pass 4-0
5. Amanda Henry CUP
Motion by Commissioner Hunter to approve contingent upon the sale of the property to the Henrys, Commissioner Yoes second. Pass 4-0
6. Kyle Walker easement vacation
Motion by Commissioner Hunter to approve and forward to the City Council for their approval at next council meeting, seconded by Commissioner Carnes. Pass 4-0.
7. McDonald’s: Sign permit 1200 W. Wilson
The application for new drive-through menu signs was on Fayetteville application, not Greenland, so missed the September agenda, but all was corrected to be heard this month. The chair unilaterally waived anyone needing to be present as the company representative is in Florida. All fees have been paid. No discussion on menu board change out.
Motion to approve the sign application by Commission Hunter, Commissioner Carnes seconded. Pass 4-0
8. Tobo’s: Sign Permit 1200 W. Wilson
No person was available to present on this item. There is a sign installed without either an electrical or sign permit. Our inspector contacted the sign company and told them they needed to get a permit. They installed the sign without the completed applications. They removed the existing sign and installed a new one. The electrical UL is not listed on the application. Several items incomplete on the application. No documents (as required on page 2 of application) were received with the application. Also, incorrect information—this is not an alteration to a sign, it was the removal of one sign and
replacing with an entirely new sign. It is in violation of the code and code provides penalties and fees.
Planning Commission discussion: Code calls for penalties for any person who fails to comply with the ordnance. After notification, applicant must comply within 10 days, or may be subject to a $100 per day fine until they comply. Planning Commission requests that the Greenland Building Inspector will contact them and put them on written notice:
Incomplete sign application, no one was present to present, and pursuant 6.09 penalties will be assessed 10 days after notification until the next planning commission meeting.
Applicant will need to submit completed application within the 10 days after notice, and
someone will have to be present at the meeting for the application to be heard.
9. Matthew Courtney: 1012 Wilson, discussion of redevelopment and zoning
Matthew Courtney reported they have the property under contract. Initially trying to leave all along Wilson as C-3. Rest of property is sloping and not good for commercial but would serve for residential. Initial check with PC for input on whether PC would rezone that area residential as it is not a good location for commercial. Carole, City Engineer, says right now Code says can only do two splits and they could
leave the front parcel as one parcel. There won’t be enough frontage (120 ft) for C-3. R-1 has frontage of 80 foot. The other issue is the sewage capacity and he was told they could put more homes on it than Carole says system will handle. She stated there is no flow monitoring there. And improvements city plans to make won’t happen until next
year. She asked that their engineer get with her. Commissioners indicated they would have no issue considering their request when they get all the engineering figured out.
10. Dave Gallo, DC Holdings LLC Eagle Homes: Presentation re: tiny homes discussion RE: his tiny home community. He calls his development style as “Density Done Right.”
They went into this as not following a standard but setting an industry standard. What is on trend is quality housing. Their community is 55 and over. There is a real market need in the NWA area. The community covenants have strict rules and regulations. The pillars of the success of this community are rules and regulations and on-site management.
Houses are about 20 foot apart but everything has vertical roofs, and sheds have to be approved by management before brought in. Zero lot lines with green space and visitor parking. It is a private road and not very wide, to keep speed down. Mr. Gallo recognized the importance of keeping the radius for fire and police turnaround as required by Greenland code.
The business model: People own houses, developer owns the land and buyers of the tiny homes lease the lot. And he recommends that an individual who wants to put a single tiny home on their property would meet the architectural standards of the code as proposed and approved by City Council. Public water and sewer is essential.
He thinks of his developments as infill—good for odd-shaped lots or parcels, in
particular. Public comment by Allison Williams: has an acre in Greenland and her mother wants to move a tiny home on her property. Minimum square footage of our code prevents this small a footprint. Her mother would put it on a permanent foundation.
11. Accessory Building Code Review of City Attorney document discussion
Tabled until next month.
Motion made to adjourn by Commissioner Yoes, seconded by Commissioner Carnes.
Pass 4-0.