September 2019 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
6:00 PM at City Hall
The Commission reserves the right to reprioritize its consideration of the items on the agenda.
Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Charlotte Carnes, Paula Schoonover, Hunter Collins, Bill Yoes. Called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Motion to amend the agenda:
1. Items 1 & 2 regarding the Presley lot split are to be moved to October;
2. Add Hog Valley RV business license application in addition to the sign application; Chair
advises did not meet submission date, but will clarify further in discussion;
Motion by Commissioner Collins 2nd by Commissioner Carnes. Passed 4-0.
1. Hog Valley RV Park: Sign application:
PC did not have hard copy in packet; Mayor contacted staff for location of original;
application then reviewed.
12 x 16 monument sign. Monument signs are permitted in C3. Will be on posts at entrance
to the park. Made of sheet metal with vinyl lettering and lights highlighting it. Landscaping
will be around sign
Motion to approve sign application made by Commissioner Collins, 2nd made byCommissioner Yoes. Passed 4-0.
2. Hog Valley RV Park: Business License application:
CUP Matters to Resolve: PC approved the CUP in May, but deferred on “conditions” until
the LSD was in final phase. Hog Valley presented their Statement of Restrictive Covenants
for the park and the PC has no further conditions and will adopt those RC’s as the
conditions for the CUP. Motion made by Commissioner Collins, 2nd by Commissioner Yoes. Passed 4-0.
License Application: Discussion occurred about the application being incomplete
(administrative section not completed by City Staff) and a last minute agenda amendment. Chair advised submission cutoff not met, however, it is unclear to the Chair that the applicants knew the CUP was different from the business license and there may be some miscommunication, so PC Chair requested to amend agenda to hear the item. Chair advised
due to the urgency of timing, the PC should not penalize the applicant for an incomplete application and recommends the PC approve or deny; however, Chair states that this will be the last time that an incomplete application will be reviewed by the PC and and unmet deadlines will be amended to the agenda. Commission agrees. Motion to approve business
license for Hog Valley R.V. park made by Commissioner Carnes, 2nd by Commissioner Collins. Passed 4-0.
3. Review of sign code: Off-site signs. Our Code does not allow for off-site signs right now. If it is state right-of-way signs, we don’t need to revise our Code. Discussed leaving sign code as is because business owners can use the state sign guidelines if they wish. Motion to leave sign code as is made by Commissioner Collins, 2nd by Commissioner Yoes. Passed 4-0
4. Public comment was invitation to come to visit Hog Valley R.V. park.
Chair announced that Commission Swearingen moved out of the city and resigns
his position and will file a written resignation letter for the minutes. Mayor will need to open up application process.
Chair and Secretary will review minutes and pass them on to the rest of the Commission and Clerk.
Motion to adjourn: Commissioner Yoes ; 2nd by Commissioner Carnes. Pass 4-0 Adjourn:
6:45 p.m.