October 2020 Planning Minutes
Planning Commission Minutes
Monday, October 5, 2020 6:00 PM
Greenland Community Center
Commissioners present: Brenda Reynolds, Bill Yoes, Charlotte Carnes, Paula Schoonover, Hunter Collins, Mike Rutherford.
Meeting called to order at 6:01p.m.
- Nathan Ogden-Pick-It Construction: Information discussion. Doug Bryant made presentation. Questions about Campbell Road property,18 acres zoned C3. Inquiring about buildings, standards, allowable uses,storing fertilizer. Inquiry had already been made of the Fire Department. PC advised as long as Fire Code and Fire Department regulations were met regarding building requirements, PC will agree. Question raised regarding ‘perking’ and if property on one end does not perk, could mini storage be built. PC advised it is not allowed in C3without conditional use permit and warehousing/storage is not the intended use for the C3 corridor; when looking at CUP requests, the PChas Code standardsthat must be applied, one of which is protecting the area and evaluating negative impacts from the CUP. Discussed the appearance of the buildings and frontage. Question regarding the overhead door facing the roadway; the BDSP Book can be reviewed for thistopic, but initially PC does not see an issue with the overhead door location; additional discussion that overhead door could be removed and replaced with glass if occupant wanted the office area in that portion of the building. Inquiry regarding building visibilityalong I-49.Read code on page 214.Building design orlandscapingmaybe needed to help with back of the building that is visible from I-49. Should have some natural landscaping with the trees. General signage discussion occurred. Inquiry made about parking and overnight parking. PC advised there cannot be parkingasstorage, but clearlyanybusinesstypicallyhas business vehicleswhich are left on premise- that is not a problem. Property aspects and drainage were all discussed with City Engineer who was also present. Discussed outside storage of fertilizer with drainage and would need to be on pavement, but all aspects would be addressed during the LSD process. Discussed a possible lot split. No issuesseen with road frontage orsetbacks. Pick-It and PCagree that new developmentsetsthe tone for future development of this area. No residential issues with the property. No further questions at this time.
Public Comment.
- David Burton with Burton Pools and Spas. Wantsto get a conditional permit for a warehouse on136 Lillie Lane. Building would be approximately 9,000 square feet. Mr. Burton has already purchased the property and he wants to move construction aspect of their business to this location where contractors/workers can come and pick up equipment to go do site work. Inquiry made by PC as to whetherthis will be a “point ofsale” location where people can come to that office to purchase supplies, pools, etc. Mr.Burton advised not at thistime,may have spa storage and single-piece unitsstored there. Property already has a metal building on it, and inquired if he could facade the metal building to meet code. It isin C3. Reference was made to the Springdale facility and PC asked if this would be like that. Mr.Burton advised, no, thiswould be the ‘construction’ aspect. Theymaylook at doing salesin a couple of years or so, but that is not the intended plan right now. Chair addressed prior conversation with Mr. Burton that the use requested wasto store dump trucks, excavators, and other equipment. PC discussed wear and tear on roads with the large trucks and excavators driving on them. City Engineer addressed potential of developer having to provide for infrastructure development to the property Discussed previous issues with the road in the past. This a 3-acre piece. Access to this property is City, not State
highway. Discussed that just storage businesses are not a permitted use in C3, but would be industrial zone. Lillie is not designed for dump truck traffic. Mr. Burton stated that it would just be for holding the trucks, not carryingmaterials.CityEngineersuggested getting a plan to presentfor a conditional use permit. PCreferenced conditions aspects on page 215 oftheCode. PCadvised a “point ofsale” location is a permitted use in C3.Mr. Burton advised they may have to revise their plan and he would get information back to PC when he had it.
- Carolyn Ramm: Event Venue: Ms. Ramm presented a business plan to have an event venue at 10095 SWCampbell Road (Reynolds property),south oftheRVPark. Tax revenue may be$12,000 to $20,000 each year.Wantedconvenient accesstoBentonville,Rogers,Centerton,Fayetteville, andto draw/attract venue opportunitiesin this area because there are none. Property is 32 minutesfromBentonville. Parcel is 30.9acres for the venue. PC and Chair advised inquiry was previously made about a CUP, but that is not required since this is an indoor venue, not an outdoor arena/event area. Plan is to keep natural appearance of area, building will not be seen thisfrom the road. Will review the sign code, but initially may want to use a large boulder rock for the entry sign- PC Chair advised Code allows for that. Ms. Ramm advised she will make sure all aspects are within Code. Wants to and keep natural foliage. Discussed possible building styles and materials. May work with the RV park for a wedding package with them. This property has been annexed into the City of Greenland. Chair inquired of City Engineer and Mayor as to whether the addresses in that area will assume a “city” address, rather than a 5-digit county address– need to make sure tax revenue is indeed streamlined to Greenland, not just county for all development in the annexed area. Ms. Ramm will be coming next month for a lot split, then the following month with the LSD. GIS is showing that property is in the City of Greenland. No sewage there now. She is getting a PERK test. Discussed potential traffic flow and impact on other parcels. Ms. Ramm advised she would like to let the high school seniors have their prom there free of charge. No further public comments.
General discussion between PC and City Engineer on ‘impact fees’ and processes for new development: Carole discussed rational nexus and the general principalsinvolved with having developersto pay for roads, sidewalks, etc. as part of their developments. The Code needs significant reworking in this regard, and the “rational nexus” language must be part of the Code language. She and City Attorney are working on this reworking of the Code.
Chair and Secretary will review minutes and forward them on to the Planning Commission. Motion to adjourn by Collins; 2nd by Yoes. Pass 5-0
Meeting adjourned at 7:16 pm.